College Life

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Okay this is the sequel to (We Will Always Love You)

This story takes place two years after Abigail graduated so she is nineteen years old (She graduated at age seventeen) and she is in her second year of college at Stanford University in California along with Hailey (Who is also in her second year of college.) Hayden and Hazel are both eight now and they are in third grade. Santana is a dance instructor at NYADA Dani had a job interview for UCLA but she didn't get it so now she's been looking for a job. So anyways here is the first part I hope that you guys like it.

-Abigail's POV-

-Stanford University (California)-

I'm sitting at a table trying to write an autobiography for my writing class. I have a cup of coffee in front of me. I start to play with the ring that Hailey got me last year from my birthday (Its a promise ring.) I look at it and smile I get a flashback.

*Abigail's Flashback*

(A Year Ago Abigail's Birthday)

Hailey and Abigail are sitting on the beach together they are watching the sunset. Hailey puts her arms around Abigail as she leans back on her Hailey has a small black velvet box in her hand. Abigail takes it from her and opens it she reveals a small ring with a small diamond on it. She gasps a little.

Abigail: Is this what I think that it is?

Hailey: If you are thinking its an engagement ring than no.

Abigail looks kind of disappointed.

Abigail: Oh.

Hailey: But it is a promise ring. I promise you that I will marry you someday and I will, be faithful, truthful, and everything in between. I love you with all of my heart Abigail Marie Lopez.

Abigail: I love you too.

Hailey and Abigail kiss Abigail takes the ring out of the box and puts it on.

*End of Abigail's Flashback*

I shake my head and look at my paper. Someone covers the sun causing a shadow to go over my paper. I look up and smile.

Abigail: Why hello there Miss. Cooper.

Hailey: Why hello there Miss. Lopez.

I smile so does Hailey I tilt my head back and she bends over capturing my lips. I lick them after she pulls away taking in the taste of mocha.

Abigail: I thought that you were giving up coffee.

Hailey: I am but I was so tired today that I caved and got myself some.

Hailey takes her bag off and sets in on the table next to my bag and sits across from me.

Abigail: That's what happens when you stay up all night when you have to wake up early for morning classes.

Hailey: Well if you didn't want to stay up all night making out and doing the nasty than I wouldn't have the problem with being tired.

Abigail: Uh, excuse me. Who is the one who said "Oh I'll be fine in the morning" when I said maybe you should get some rest?

Hailey: Well in my defense you were um...uh...

I look at Hailey and wait for her to continue when she doesn't I speak.

Abigail: I rest my case and you call yourself a law student ha.

Hailey: Ouch you wound me.

Family Always Comes First (Sequel to We Will Always Love You (Dantana)Where stories live. Discover now