The Big Day!!

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Today was the day...The day I have always been waiting for!! Today I got to meet One Direction! I should probably introduce myself! I'm Jordyn...I'm 19 years old and I live in Ireland!! I have always dreamed of meeting One Direction and one of the boys falling for me!! I know what your thinking! An average 19 year old dating someone in The BIGGEST boy band! Ya funny!! My Bestfriend Alexia is coming with me..She is 20 and also lives in Ireland!! We have had a plan that we where going to meet them since we were younger!! We never actually thought it would happen! When Alexia arrived at my house we completely freaked out! We had 3 Hours before we have to leave! We run to my room and totally destroy it! There's clothes and make up every where!! We seriously can't find anything to wear!! So we decided to drive to the mall! When we get there we buy two new outfits and a bunch of One Direction accessories!! You realize you guys only have an hour and a half!! We rush back to my house! We do our hair and make up and change! We rush out of the house!! Praying We will get there on time!!

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