A Shock of a Life Time Continued

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Niall's jaw dropped....I know Niall...She also said it might not be Harry's baby...All the sudden there's a knock on my door...It's Alexia..Her face is bright red and she's shaking! She asked to come in! Niall stares at her with his mouth still opened...I sit her down and say..How,When and Why!

She talks slowly...If it's Hunters then 7 Weeks ago in his truck we didn't use protection! If it's Harry's then 4 weeks ago on your couch we where drunk...I glared at her! When where you on my couch!!! Uh the night we found out you self harmed! We told Niall we where leaving but started making out and went inside your house and things got heated! Niall jumped off the couch and ran to get new clothes on! Alexia is crying harder and I'm screaming at her!!! You just got her life back on track now a baby!!!! You don't even know the babies father!!! I went to the doctors yestarday I'm almost a month along...Okay I thought...When was the last time you saw Harry and things got dirty? uh about last month? Why!! Okay so I'm pretty sure it's Harry's baby! Niall smiles and says Jordyn we should have a baby! I just laugh and say "if you like then you should put a ring on it" he just giggled! It's kinda ackward talking about sex and things around that because I'm still a virgin! Alexia said she was to but I guess not!!!!! I don't wanna have sex until marriage nether does Niall!! Anyway! Alexia how are you going to break the news to Harry? I ask?

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