Chapter 19 - Restless

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Chapter 19

Arnav unhinges coat from the railing in caution of chilled gales. He swiftly slips into it and buttons down the brooches with high spirit to oblige the urges of restless heart.

Closing the door of his deserted room, he sprints down the staircase unnerving Kiran's dawdling steps towards kitchen to fetch water.

"Speed down, son." She puffs clutching her heart. "Where are you going in jiffy?" He was supposed to be taking rest after articulating about his wedding exhaustion at the dinner table.

She stiffens inferring his destination through his posture and time. "I believe you aren't going to some club, are you?" Kiran tightens her jaws and throws question coated order. At the second night to marriage, his visit to club would definitely drive the resentment of his grandparents and father. And worst would be the situation if Khushi or her family gets to know about his spree of tonight.

"I am just going out. Casually." Arnav shrugs his shoulders and squares them back. He pats Kiran's arms in assurance and hurries out to avoid further queries.

"I hope you are not going to some club, Arnav. Otherwise your Khushi will be hurt in the worst of means." Kiran hopes to have the new relation safe and sound. She adores their cheerful blushes and always prays for them to lead a blissful life together. The way she was hurt by this habit of Raza, she is sure Khushi being a wife would go through the same twinge. Would a wife not feel mortified if her husband seeks solace of eye-lust after claiming to love you?


"Aakifah?" Aqeeb looks confused at his wife's back-steps at his leant posture to capture her plump lips. Yes, she is on odd behavior for days but this does not approve her peculiar conduct at his attempt of kiss.

"I am not in mood." She plainly fills in for her behavior, moving towards her wardrobe to arrange the mess created in jewelry drawer. Today, at last moment, Aqeeb rummaged through drawer to replace her selected jewelry reasoning his chosen set to be a better match.

"Mood, huh?" Her words stir his manly ego. He did not consent her tonight's stay towards her parents despite the requests just to express his fondness and instead of complying with his wishes, she is daring to penalize him.

"I am tired." She tries to reason, grasping hints of his rising rage.

"Don't state me reasons, Aakifah!" His tone stiffens. "I. Am. Your. Husband." He prompts his spousal rights.

"Should I throw a party at your reminder of being my husband?" She yells back.

"Lower your voice!" He straightway rebukes her in a dreading pitch.

Her heart pounds frightening his actions. He has been affable for past two months. His anguish posture has scared her enough to suppress down all of the determination to yell – but only for a moment. Her self-respect budges for defense because if she stays quite today, he would have the audacity to use dreading pitch on her for lifetime.

"Does my wish matter nothing? Naught?" She acutely faces him in her defense. "I love you enough to never retreat when you forward to love me, Aqeeb." Her tone goes softer in torment. "But it hurts. It terribly hurts..." She pauses feeling lumps in her throat. The overthought and negativity of past one month is causing a hefty weight on her heart. "It has been aching me for weeks. Since Khushi and Arnav's relation got fixed, no one bothered about my existence. Mama, Baba, Dadu, Uncle, Auntie, Dada Jaan, Dadi Jaan and even you... yes, I admit she is the newly wedded bride but I am not that old. Just two months old bride, Aqeeb. I too desire affection. Especially from you." Tears watercourse down her eyes and she trembles to stand strong.

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