Part 8

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HI sissy's. Thanku for ur likes and comments.

Let's start.

@xyz company

It was 12 nun. Both karsan were having coffee taking a break.

San: it's 12 Karan.

Kar: so?

San: few hours over from 48.

Kar: remaining hrs also will pass like this. Don't wry.

San: hmmmm. Hope so.

After an hr sanskar's sir calls him. He went to his cabin.

San: may I come in sir?

Sir: come sanskar. I've to Tel u something.

San: yes sir.

Sir: actually sanskar. Rite now we r facing some problems regarding fresher. yesterday only our one team got less popularity in its work. if it happens we won't b able to grow our company.

San: (confused) I didn't understand sir.

Sir: rite now we can't give job for ur bro. So no need of training also. Sry sanskar. M helpless.

San: gets sad.: It's ok sir. No prob.

Sanskar comes outside. Just then he heard he's sir talking in phone with someone.

Sir: I did as u said. Plz don't cancel our deal.

Sanskar gets angry. He understood that it's all done by Ragini. He left to Sinha company from there.

@sinha company

Sanskar enters Ragini cabin where she was sitting holding some file.

San: so this was ur trick. U can't win over me. U think ull snatch my bro job and I'll come to u. U r wrong. I'll get best job for him.

He leaves and Naina enters. She sees sanskar going.

Nai: wat was that Ragu? Wat u did?

Rag: nothing. This is Just a simple one.

Nai: enough now. Tel wat u did and wat u r going to do?

Rag: leave it naina.

Nai: if u don't Tel I'll never talk to u. She said in serious tone.

Ragini luks at her for few seconds. She bends her head down. Naina goes near her sees her face. Her eyes were little teary.

Nai: m so sry Ragu. I.. I really dint mean it. M concerned about u. Plz forgive me.

Rag: (first time with little smooth voice) naina. U very well knew that u, mom and dad r my world. Then also?

Nai: I didn't mean it Ragini. Now a days u r doing such things that make me scared. I don't want u to take any wrong step. Atleast u can share with me.

Ragini dint reply.

Nai: ok. I know that u love sanskar. And u want to marry him. M happy abt that. But u shud tell whatever u'll do? Ok?

Rag: ok.

Nai: now tell wat u did?

Ragini tells her everything.

Rag: not only this. I still did many things.

Nai: like?

Rag: (muted)

Nai: wat? Call now and fix it correct whatever u did.

Rag: it's already late. Everything is executed. I'll never hurt sanskar. How can I think of hurting him. Only these few hrs. Just let him come to me. Plz Naina

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