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"I would be honourd to acompany you as your date Miss Ward" Damon said when i asked him to be my date to the founders ball. "The pleasure is all mine Mr Johnson" i giggle.

I wear my silk knee lenght white dress with my blue scarf and lace cardigen. My usual hip lenght hair was now cut so it flowed over my breasts. It had a braid at the front going over like a hair band and the rest straight. "You look stunning" Damon said. "Thank you" i smile.

The ball was decorated beautifully. And Jake was there. He had a girl with a face full of make up and a dangerously short dress. He was looked at me the entire time. I danced with Damon the entire night.

I went to the bathroom to wash my hands when im dragged into the closet
"What the hell is wrong with you Jake"? I snap. He holds my wrists painfully above my head. "You fucking him"? He asked. "Its none of your busness" i spat. His grip tightened. "Tell me now". "Fine yes we had sex amd he was gentle and caring all the things that your not"! I cry. He looks hurt and angry. Before i know it theres tape over my mouth. Hes pulling my my dress his fingers inside me. I knee him in his balls and take my tape off. I ran out side tears streaming down my face. Damon catches me up in his strong arms. I tell him everything. He held me. Well i forced him to because hevwas itching to kill Jake.

"You know i love you don't you" he whisperd. I smiled. "Ye i do these past 5 weeks have been so amazing" i whisper.

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