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The supporting characters who were part of [Name]'s life, and at some point in this story may end up being killed, were more than aware that something was breeding between [Name], and Kim Taehyung. The young male with dyed blond hair, was known to be one of the most good-looking yet eccentric amongst the students.

Now, the 'something breeding' between the two protagonists was a strange situation. They were not really acquainted, but at the same time they were. They never spoke to each other, but they were always seen together. [Name] never really acknowledged him, but she was aware of his presence, and the fact he was always where she was. That was not the only thing she was aware of.

Although, [Name] could be naive at times, she was not ignorant or stupid. She had common sense, and despite the fact that it took her a bit longer to realize than her friends, she knew what Taehyung felt for her. Way too often, she would feel an intense and cryptic gaze digging daggers at the back of her head. At first, she had tried to ignore it. However, when the uncomfortable staring never ceased, she had turned her head in the direction of where she felt the gaze from, and her wary [e/c] eyes met Taehyung's. The first time she caught him staring, they had unknowingly began a staring contest; before eventually, realization sunk in, and Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise. It was obvious that he did not except himself to get caught, because a pink hue adorned his tan cheeks, and in embarrassment, he instantly looked away from [Name].

[Name] had almost found his sudden shyness to be somewhat adorable. But mostly, she felt relieved because she thought that after being caught red handed once, Taehyung would stop staring at her.

He didn't. If anything, it worsened. And from that point on, when [Name] caught him staring, he never turned away. He would continue to stare right through her soul, until it was her, who turned away, seemingly flustered.

Once, she had tried to approach him privately in order to confront him about his endless and uncomfortable staring.

It had not gone well for her.

"Don't you think you're a bit too self-conscious?" Taehyung had said, as he looked down at her as if she was a waste of his time.

"Me? Always staring at you? Don't kid yourself, you're not that important," He had uttered ruthlessly, before he scoffed at her, and walked away without sparing her a glance.

His awfully rude response had left [Name] gaping in shock. And it did make her question her sanity.

Was she subconsciously attracted to Taehyung so much that she was actually being paranoid about his staring?

No, she had realized after a few days, she was not being paranoid.

He was definitely staring at her again and this time, when she turned around to catch him in the act, he was smirking at her. It was as if an unknown game which only he knew of had begun.

Shivers ran down [Name]'s spine, and on that day, [Name] realized that she had no choice but to become accustomed to his staring.

[Name] was also aware of how Taehyung was always only sitting a few seats away from her. He maintained enough distance from her that he could not be accused of stalking her. Simultaneously, he was close enough to observe and keep track of what she was doing.

She knew that she was never alone. But realistically speaking, [Name] could not do much about her situation even if she wanted to. She figured that Taehyung was somewhat infatuated with her, and because this was 'infatuation' she hoped he would eventually get over the silly crush he had on her.

In between her classes, [Name] often had one hour of breaks in between. Presently, she was sitting on one of the table benches outside the faculty of science, with two of her friends accompanying her. One of her friends, Mina, was reviewing her notes for her next lecture. Her other friend Vicki, was browsing the internet on her phone. [Name] was eating a banana, and reading a book.

A comfortable silence enveloped them, as they were all preoccupied with their own thing. [Name], who was indulged in the book Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris, was distracted from her reading when she felt a gaze digging holes in the back of her head.

Instantly, she knew that he was watching her again. Apparently, so did her friends, because they looked behind [Name]'s head, then glanced at each other awkwardly, before focusing their gaze on [Name].

"[Name]," Mina began, as she pointed towards Taehyung, who for once, was not trying to be subtle about the fact that he was watching her.

"It's your admirer," Vicki said, smirking. "The one who's always watching you. He must have a REALLY big fat crush on you since he never seems to get bored with just watching you. You should spare his feelings and ask the poor boy out already. I bet it will really piss off the juniors," She remarked, snickering.

At her immaturity, both [Name] and Mina, frowned.

"You shouldn't date someone just to create jealousy in someone else, that's not nice. But never mind that. Don't you think he's super creepy though? He seems to be almost obsessed with [Name], it's honestly worrying. You should really do something about him [Name] before this situation escalates to something weird," Mina said, as she furrowed her eyebrows.

[Name] was about to open her mouth to reply. However, she did not get the chance to because in shock, both of her friends gasped simultaneously.

It caused [Name] to raise an eyebrow at their sudden strange behaviour.

"What? What is it?" She asked, and she leaned forward, closer towards her friends; curiosity was laced in her voice.

Like before, her two friends glanced at each other for a moment, and they appeared to be communicating with one another through telepathy. Afterwards, they glanced at [Name], and then back to each other once again. They nodded, and picked up their stuff, getting ready to leave.

"If you're going to do something about your stalkerish junior, you better do it soon," Vicki said, as she slipped her phone in her jean's pocket.

[Name] blinked in confusion, feeling completely perplexed about the situation at hand.

"What? What are you guys on about?? Where are you going? We still have like twenty minutes before our next classes," [Name] claimed, and she received an apologetic stare from Mina, who motioned behind [Name].

"Lover boy's here," Mina said, as Vicki grabbed Mina's wrist, and dragged her away, not even giving [Name] a chance to realize what was happening.

"Hey! Where are you go-" [Name] spoke loudly, as she turned her head backwards. By the end of her question, she ended up trailing off when she saw who was standing behind her.

If [Name] thought that his gaze was intense before, she had no idea how to describe it now.

It was extremely fervent and it seemed to be burning her. Due to his peculiar behaviour, Taehyung obviously made [Name] feel uneasy and on edge. Yet at the same time, he was incredibly attractive. [Name] was not use having such an impeccable male invade her personal space. For this reason, anxiety attacked her nerves, and she visibly gulped. She forgot all about how uncomfortable Taehyung made her. She could only focus on how ethereal he looked, and the beautiful pearly-white smile that he gave her.

"Noona," Taehyung began sweetly. The way that word rolled off Taehyung's tongue — slightly sensual and huskily in his deep voice, nearly caused goosebumps to arise on [Name]'s skin in excitement. Key word: nearly.

A blush blossomed on [Name]'s cheeks, and nervously, she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Y-Yes?" She stammered anxiously.

[Name]'s breath almost left her lungs when Taehyung bent down, and leaned against the table that was behind her. His pupils were dilated, and some sort of feverish darkness seemed to be swimming in his irises. His face was right besides [Name], and his breath fanned her ear.

She felt shivers run down her spine, especially with what he said next.

"Will you be mine?"

Notice Me Noona [Yandere! Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now