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"So, when you're structuring your essays, you want to focus your main 'good' points in paragraph one and paragraph three. The markers don't really read over the second paragraph so-- hey, are you even listening to me?" [Name] said, as she clicked fingers in front of Taehyung's face, who had been staring intently at her for the past ten minutes, instead of paying attention to what she was saying.

Presently, they were sitting at one of the furthest tables in the library, which was hidden from other's view. Taehyung had asked [Name] to tutor him with his studies, because apparently, he was having difficulties with his assignment, and his grades were not the best. Being the kind and generous girlfriend that [Name] was, she had agreed, and they decided to meet at their university's library. Taehyung had arrived half an hour earlier than their appointed time, and when [Name] arrived, he had already chosen the secluded table they were currently sitting at.

She found it a bit strange that he had chosen such an obscure location for studying. But at this point, she was starting to realize that in general, whatever Taehyung did was peculiar. So, she did not ponder on it for too long, and simply decided to go with the flow.

In response to her question from before, Taehyung's cheeks reddened slightly, and he gave her a sly grin.

"It's hard for me to pay attention to what you say because your beauty is too distracting," Taehyung said, smirking.

His words caused [Name]'s eyes to widen slightly, and a hue of pink to adorn her cheeks. Subconsciously, and shyly, she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"O-Oh," She started with a stammer, as she creased her eyebrows in thought, because she felt somewhat unsure about how she should respond to his flirtation.

"I'm s-sorry?" [Name] said in confusion.

"You should be," Taehyung began, as his eyes darkened, and he narrowed them at [Name]. He grabbed the bottom of his seat, and moved it closer towards [Name], until their sides were flushed together. This sudden proximity caused [Name]'s cheeks to become redder, and she started to feel uncomfortable. She wanted to pull away and create some distance in between them, however, Taehyung's enigmatic and enrapturing gaze kept her rooted to her spot.

"You're too beautiful for your own good, and it's not a good thing. Others stare at you, and I don't like that," Taehyung whispered huskily in her ear, and this caused goosebumps to arise on her skin. Then, Taehyung brushed her hair out of her face so he could gaze at her beauty. When his finger brushed against her skin, the touch was electrifying. It caused [Name]'s breath to hitch.

"Maybe you should get an uglier haircut? Or change the way you dress? Regardless of what you wear, you will literally be beautiful as the goddess Aphrodite in my eyes, but people tend to judge with us with our appearance; so if you don't look the part, then there will be less trash I'd have to get rid off," He said thoughtfully.

[Name] furrowed her eyebrows as she carefully thought over Taehyung's words. Once they registered to in her mind, she frowned.

"Why would you say that?" She said, and a hurtful expression appeared on her face. "Why would you want me to change? I'm not dating you so that you could change stuff about me to whatever you wanted. It doesn't work like that."

In response, Taehyung's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He wanted to grit his teeth and throw a tantrum, but held himself back.

"I'm not trying to change you. I'm only trying to look after you for your own good. For someone your age, you're too oblivious don't you think? Instead of being pathetically sentimental, you should take a look around you. That guy is literally ogling at your exposed skin like a horny dog," Taehyung whispered in anger, as he gestured towards a person who was standing behind one of the shelves, and watching them like a hawk from behind his book. He was trying to be discreet about the fact that he was watching them, but Taehyung had caught him red-handed. Said person's eyes widened in surprise when [Name] followed Taehyung's line of direction, and her eyes met his.

[Name] gasped in surprise, and in response to being caught, the guy's cheeks reddened in shame. Instantly, for not wanting to experience any further embarrassment, he put the book his was holding in the space before him, and ran off.

When the realization that Taehyung was right and she had spoken those big words of 'accepting who [she] was' for no reason sunk in, [Name] wanted to do nothing but dig her own grave. She felt extremely embarrassed, and guilty because although he was a bit rude to her, Taehyung only had her best intentions on his mind.

The blond-haired male glared at her, and started to tap his fingers against the surface of the table before them, as if he was an annoyed parent who was impatiently waiting for their child to apologize to them.

Subconsciously, as if she was putting up a defensive shield to protect herself from the intensity of Taehyung's chilling glare, she hugged herself.

"S-Sorry, I s-shouldn't have misjudged you like that," [Name] muttered quietly, as she glanced at Taehyung, who was frowning.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have," Taehyung stated, and the bluntless of his words caused [Name] to inwardly wince.

"I'm sorry," She said once more, lowering her gaze. Afterwards, Taehyung gazed at her for a few moments, before he sighed, and unzipped his jacket. He held it out to [Name].

"Wear it," He ordered sternly, and [Name] furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm not cold--" She started, but Taehyung cut her off.

"That doesn't matter. Have you seriously not learned your lesson? Or is it that you like other people gawking at you? If you're really that shameless, then I guess you wouldn't mind me doing this," Taehyung said, as he gripped her wrist beside him, leaned closer, and placed a kiss on her neck, near her ear.

[Name]'s eyes widened like saucers and she froze in surprise when she felt Taehyung beginning to bite her skin.

Instantly, she grabbed his jacket from his hand, and skidded away on her chair to create some distance in between them.

"I'll wear the jacket!" She exclaimed, as her face flushed red, and she was gazing at Taehyung with wide eyes that had fear etched in them. [Name] was not aware of it, but her hands had started to tremble.

Truly, the sight was delightful. Her trembling figure, and all of the obvious anxiousness that oozed off of her, caused shivers to run down Taehyung's spine. His irises were dilated, and he watched her with a heinous stare as [Name] put on his jacket with shaky hands.

He was really loving the sight before him, and the fact that he was the cause of it. If his noona was this scared of a little demand, then how would she ever survive when they would be intimate with each other? He could not wait to devour her. Just the thought of her trembling figure all tied up and being vulnerable for him, caused a bulge to form in his pants.

It was uncomfortable, and for once, he was glad that [Name] was not near him.

He gave her a strained smile.

"Good girl," He complimented, feeling proud that [Name] was finally beginning to obey him.

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