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[Name]'s head felt heavy. It was throbbing in a way that made it feel like she had been hit countless of times with a hammer. Her mouth felt very dry and her tongue felt heavy. She groaned in pain as she arched on her back. As her back met the surface of the bed again, she felt the cold softness of the cotton bed sheets beneath her. She tried to turn on her side, however, she was unable to because something restricted her movements.

Subconsciously, she tried to move her arms so could rub the sleep out of her eyes. However, she could not move them, which made her tug on her restrains. They dug into her skin painfully. Instantly, [Name] jolted awake in shock with wide eyes, and she was gasping. The moment she had opened her eyes, the light above her shone brightly and harshly in her sights. This made her wince and close them right away. Then, she opened them slowly to not have a repeat of the previous situation. Eventually, her eyes became accustomed to the bright and harsh lighting. Finally, she was able to look upwards to see why she was unable to move her hands.

[Name]'s eyes widened when she saw that her hands were tied to the bed's head post with a tight rope. Once again, she tugged at the restrains and tried to twist her hands out of the rope. However, it was tied too tightly so her efforts remained useless. Due to all the tugging that she had done, the ropes rubbed against her skin, which caused more pain and reddened her skin.

Panic shot through her. She did not want to believe the predicament that she was in. She was close to start hyperventilating in anxiousness. However, before a panic attack could commence, [Name] forced herself to inhale and exhale deeply. After a few deep breaths, her body relaxed physically, and her mind felt clearer. Then, she began to observe her surroundings to get an idea of what sort of confinement she was put in.

It was a medium sized bedroom. There was a double queen sized bed which [Name] was lying on, and two bedside tables which were settled on each side of the bed. On the far left hand side, there was a small closet. On the right hand side, there was a tallboy dresser which was leaning against the wall. Further from that, there was a closed door which led to the bathroom. A few feet away from the bed, there was a single couch chair. The interior of the room was a colour scheme of black and red.

The duvet covers which were on top of [Name] felt overwhelmingly hot against her skin. She shivered when she realized that the upper half of her body was almost bare. She was wearing nothing but a bra, and [colour] tights. She was going to kick the duvet covers off of herself. However, when she realized that the duvet cover was the only thing that covered her skin from her kidnapper, she decided against it.

Speaking of which, [Name] tried to think back on how she got here in the first place. She could not remember much except that she was thrown down and forced to smell something. Whatever happened, was giving her a major headache. It did not help that she was very hungry.

She hadn't eaten anything in hours. As a result, the lack of food, and the fatigue was just worsening her headache. There was an inkling thought in her mind which was suggesting that her kidnapper was Taehyung, and that he was the one who had ruthlessly attacked her. However, that idea seemed so bizarre, [Name] thought it was a side effect hallucination from being so hungry. Before she could indulge further in her thoughts, the door knob of the room made a rusty hinge sound, as it was fiddled with from the other side. Obviously, someone was entering the room.

[Name]'s breath hitched. Then, her mind kicked in gear, and she shut her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Soon, the door opened, and footsteps echoed in the room as her capturer walked in. He was humming chirpily in his deep voice as he walked towards the bedside table. He placed a tray on the bedside table, and the corner end of his shirt brushed against the skin of [Name]'s tied up wrist. It caused her to shudder slightly.

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