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The sky was a shade of soft pastel blue. Cotton candy like white clouds floated in the atmosphere, and loomed over the premises underneath them. It was a bright day with the sun basking everything in its presence, and making the hue of everything look richer and brighter. The joyous weather held hope, and it made most people reminiscence about their pleasant memories filled with love and laughter. This was completely opposite from everything that Mina and Vicki felt.

It had been two years since they last saw, or heard from and about [Name]. The last time the young couple ever saw, or held their best friend was two years ago in a shopping complex, when they were comforting her after her break up with her first boyfriend.

It was a break up that they had encouraged.

It had also been two years since they saw or heard from and about [Name]'s boyfriend, Kim Taehyung. Everything simply disappeared. It was blank. There was nothing. There was nothing except for the unspoken melancholy emotions, unconfessed mourning feelings, and regrets left behind.

Vicki hated herself because she was always too pushy. Her daring and challenging words to her friends often peer pressured them into something they were obviously uncomfortable doing. She was just too much. She regretted how she provoked [Name], and poked fun at her insecurities. She took things too far, and never stopped babbling when she should have, so she felt as if it was her fault that [Name]'s life ended the way it did.

Mina was the embodiment of the colour blue and sadness; she drowned herself in her grief and sorrow. She was an over-thinker who exaggerated everything. This was the part that she hated the most about herself, and yet, she allowed herself to inject this toxicity into [Name]. She was too overprotective of her. Whenever [Name] complained about the most minor of inconveniences, Mina would manifest her problems to an unrealistic level. She would reassure [Name] that everything she said was valid, even though something may have been [Name]'s fault. She scared [Name] from Taehyung with every little thing the [h/c] female confessed to, and due to her exaggeration, they ended up breaking up.

Maybe without their intervention, things could have worked out between [Name] and Taehyung. They could have been a happy couple who would have worked on the flaws of their relationship together. [Name] could have learned how to make Taehyung trust her and they could have discovered the meaning of their love themselves, rather than following the ideas of love everyone else ingrained in them from their own experience.

Mina and Vicki should only have been spectators. They should not have acted like judges of a show in a field they had no idea about.

If they really needed to interfere in [Name]'s life so much, both friends felt as if they should have not encouraged [Name] to date Taehyung in the first place. After all, it was always obvious that something was wrong with Taehyung and what he felt for [Name] was morbid infatuation rather than a simple crush. He was always eyeing her like some sort of starved predator gazing hungrily at its prey. Overall, everything about it felt insane.

It was bound to end in chaos.

It had been two years since [Name] [Surname] had been reported missing. There was some evidence but it led to a dead end. There was no further news, and in today's day and age, justice never prevailed. They tried pathetically for a few weeks before they closed the case. It was the biggest middle finger in the face.

Everything was just worthless and there was nothing. No one could do anything else about it, and so, Mina and Vicki were forced to live the rest of their lives with permanent scars in their heart. There was no light in their dark tunnel of misery and regrets because they never found out, or will know what happened to their friend.

They could only make assumptions of the different scenarios about what happened to [Name] based on their actions in the past. There were countless of 'what ifs,' but one thing was certain. Mina and Vicki believed that whatever happened to [Name], this whole thing was all their fault.


She was lovely. Her smooth plastic-like [skin colour] skin shone under the poor yellow lighting of the room. Her soft hair that fell to the end of its length was perfectly smooth, and untangled from any knots because Taehyung brushed her hair at least ten times a day. She was dressed in satin frills.

She had become the ultimate object for his obsession.

With inimical infatuation filled in his insane gaze, Taehyung stared deeply in her dead and soulless eyes. With shaky fingers, he began to lift up her satin material dress up her thighs, and placed a sloppy and messy kiss on the corner of her lips.

It wasn't the same. It wasn't her, but this was all that he had left of her.

"I'm sorry Noona," Taehyung began breathlessly, and he ran his hand up and down her thighs. "I'm sorry for becoming too angry and punishing you too harshly. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have killed you for not returning my feelings. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so so so sorry," He cried, before he cupped her face with his hands.

"I promise I'll be gentler. I'll be a better lover this time. I won't hurt you again, as long as you promise to be just mine and love me. You promise, right? Hahahaha, of course you do! Then, I promise to love you forever, even after death. My dear sweet [Name] noona, I will never let you go," Taehyung said, before he connected his lips with the plastic doll's, which looked exactly like his deceased lover.

Notice Me Noona [Yandere! Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now