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In her small apartment, [Name] was pacing around mindlessly. She was subliminally biting one finger nail at a time due to her excessive anxiety. Just an hour and a half ago, she woke up with a headache, swollen eyes, and in sweat. Additionally, her stomach was sore in hunger.

Lately, [Name] was feeling extremely emotionally drained which was affecting the quality of her sleep. She slept for eight hours, but her body felt more exhausted and it felt as if she had not slept at all. She had eaten some fruit for breakfast in hopes that a light, healthy, and fulfilling breakfast would help.

It did not.

She felt full but the pain of hunger was replaced with the sensation of needing to throw up. Her anxiety was too overwhelming.

[Name] walked towards her small dressing mirror unit (which was the only one she could afford as a struggling university student). She roughly swatted the hair strands that loomed over her face to one side, before picking up a natural shade of lipstick, and applying it lightly to distract herself from her anxiety. Just as she finished doing so, her phone rang loudly.

It was an expected call. However, prior to its' ringing, [Name]'s room was silent. As a result, the phone's sudden loudness made her wince. [Name] grabbed her phone, and slid the green icon to accept the call. She brought it up to her ears.

"H-Hey," She stuttered as a greeting.

Right away, she could imagine Mina furrowing her eyebrows and Vicki frowning in concern for her.

"Hey [Name]," Mina greeted softly over the phone. Her voice was gentle because presently, [Name] was vulnerable. This was her first relationship, and soon, [Name] was going to put an end to it. It just her luck that her first boyfriend had to be an anomalous personality. Mina thought that if she said the wrong thing, or spoke in even a slightly different tone, [Name] would break.

"Are you ready?" Vicki enquired, from the other side of the phone. Her voice sounded slightly static and muffled.

"I-I think so," [Name] stammered, and her lips formed a forced smile in response, as if she was talking to her friends in person. However, her balant lie was obvious, and her friends heard her nervousness in her voice. On the other line, they frowned.

"[Name], it'll be fine. Everything will work out. Remember our plan, you need to convince Taehyung to meet you in a public place, then texts us the location. Pick a busy place, so when we'll be watching to make sure nothing goes wrong, he won't spot us. Everything will be fine girl, don't worry. We'll be with you every step of the way," Mina said reassuringly.

[Name]'s uneasiness did not cease. However, Mina's words offered her comfort. It was in moments like these that reminded [Name] about how amazing and supportive her friends were. She was grateful for their existence, and made a mental note to treat them to some cheap ice coffee after all this mess would be dealt with.

"Thanks, you guys. I appreciate your support a lot. I'll text you soon," [Name] said.

"Alright," Mina and Vicki responded simultaneously.

"I'll see you soon, hopefully," [Name] said.

"See ya," They replied, and [Name] was about to end the call. However, before she could, Vicki screeched, which made [Name]'s eyes widen in panic.

"What? What is it? What happened? I heard a scream, are you guys okay?" [Name] asked, panic laced in her voice. Her heart was pounding loudly against her rib-cage.

"We forgot to tell you!! We love you [Name]! No matter what happens, we'll always be there for you," Vicki said, and instantly, [Name] could imagine her grinning slyly.

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