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"So, what's been happening with your young boy and you?" Vicki asked, as she, Mina, and [Name] sat down on chairs, and settled their cold beverages on the surface of the table. Mina put her bag on the floor in front of her feet, and sat up straight against the chair's back support. Vicki was leaning against her bag on the chair, and sitting in a slight slouched form. Meanwhile, [Name] had her bag on top of the table, and she had laid her face on top of her bag as if she was simply tired of everything.

[Name] groaned as she lifted up her head from her bag. Her hair was really messy, and it looked like a bird's nest, certainly because she had awkwardly shoved her face in her bag.

[Name] had forgotten how much Vicki could rile up her and Mina with just one sentence.

"Can you please stop referring to him as 'my' young boy? It sounds so creepy," [Name] said, and glared at her. Mina, who was sipping on her tea, watched them in amusement, knowing an argument was going to occur.

Vicki grinned, before she grabbed her drink and brought it to her lips. She started to purposely slurp loudly on her drink because she knew that the slurping would get on [Name]'s nerves.

[Name]'s eyebrow began to twitch in annoyance.

"Ohhhh, is he not an young boy? Is he a man? Wow [Name], I didn't know you had it in you to be so sinful in a relationship so soon," Vicki taunted, and tilted her head to the side.

[Name]'s cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as she yelped. She threw the scrunched up napkin that laid beside her at Vicki on instinctive anger.

"We haven't done anything like that! Even if we did, it's none of your business, you pervert!" [Name] exclaimed, as Mina chuckled, and Vicki's grin stretched further across her face.

"Did you hear that Mina? [Name] said she was going to have sex," Vicki said, and right away, she and Mina busted out laughing. [Name] was so embarrassed, that at this point, she would not have been surprised if steam began to emit from her ears.

She whimpered as she dug her face in her hands in an attempt to hide herself.

"Can you guys please stop teasing me?" [Name] said in a low voice, as she began to sip on her drink. Mina smiled softly at her, and gently bumped her shoulders against [Name]'s.

"We're just pulling your leg. Well, Vicki was, I was just laughing along," Mina said, shrugging.

"Yeah, sorry. I just really needed that since it's been ages since we last you. Taehyung was literally always around you, and we didn't want to interrupt so we kept our distance. Looks like he's finally giving you some space and letting you breath," Vicki stated.

[Name] opened her mouth to reply, but no words left her lips. This was because right as she was about to talk, she felt goosebumps arise at the back of her neck.

She was being watched again.

Her eyes widened in nervousness. The weather was warm, but suddenly, she started to feel cold. The fact that her arms were bare, and her back was slightly exposed due to the size of her crop top, did not matter a few seconds ago. Suddenly, she was starting to feel really exposed.

She jerked her head backwards as if she was expecting to catch someone in the act of stalking her. She wa paranoid and she looked around her, but there was no one there.

She felt eerie shivers crawl down her spine, as she subconsciously grabbed the black jacket that she had with her, and put it on.

Unbeknownst to her, Vicki and Mina were watching her behave strangely paranoid with confused expressions on their faces.

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