So S Lagoon is like a canon location in my dream ecosystem.
S Lagoon is a theme park.
You know, water park, hotel, animal park, that entrance which is basically a roller coaster train connecting the external entrance with the internal one that actually goes IN the park, that stuff. And also disco techno-punk area full of arcades and video games. And the general overpriced nature of it all.
Look I was feeling nostalgic the last time i went they had one place with actual dinosaurs walking around and interacting with the visitors and I was riding around on this Spinosaurus and I really miss it you know, like I could just hug and kiss it if I see him again.
But I'm at the entrance, I just paid like fucking 300 just to go in and it's like an hour before closing and oh my god is it still actually open at this point oh geez.
And of course since places in dreams don't really stay constant I kinda got lost in that technopunk area and took a lot of detours.
I walk into a room, and the scene pretty much looks like a mafia meeting. You know, a bunch of gangsters standing around and one brings in a mysterious stranger to do a special job? I was that mysterious stranger.I transform back from whatever I was to my "original form". It appears i'm a bodacious woman with full make-up and long curly hair.
"This woman here is Legna"
-Wait no that's not Legna.-
;I grumble as a disembodied thought.
Legna's "original form" isn't that and they're not a WOMAN they are a not even human and besides I designed their "original form" to be neutral, or at least more masculine-Legna goes "just kidding" and turns into a man.
-Well not fully accurate but i guess better than before so whatever-The gangster continues "As you can see, she-"
-You mean THEY-
-Fine, fair enough-
"Can change forms at will"-Don't forget the fact that they can't kill me-
Legna picks up a knife and stabs themself.-No I'm serious don't even bother trying to get my heart or brain I don't work that way you won't kill me-
Legna takes said knife out and stabs themself in the heart.-I mean my life isn't even connected to my body destroying this won't actually kill me-
The gangsters take out a bunch of machine guns and shoot Legna at once.-I can literally transform and just fade away-
Legna vaporizes into a swarm of flies and dissipates away.
I dont remember what happens in between but I (Legna) am on a road bridge and a gangster approaches me with a gun and i repeated-you know you can't kill me with that, i don't even feel nothing-
I am now surrounded and they shoot me all at once again, this time continuously. Are they planning to keep me down forever by dealing continuous damage forever?
-Yeah that isn't gonna work either. Cos you know, if I take too much heat... I blow up-
Legna blows up and it kinda looks like a big grenade going off on the bridge and yeah everyone got caught in the explosion because they were all standing really close to me but it's not a particularly big explosion.
-Not that tiny spark no, I mean, like a fucking nuke kinda "blow up"-
A bird's eye view shows an entire continent blown up.-Cool-
Logs of the Inner World
DiversosLucid dream logs Don't expect proper endings or continuity. Dreams be like that sometimes