If she lived.

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Chapter 15

Tris POV

I kneel down next to Tobias, who is unconscious on the ground. Every time i close my eyes the image of the crash and of Tobias crying is branded in my eye lids. I am still holding his head. I sit there and cry. What else can i do. A few minutes later i hear sirens in the background. I hope there for us. A huge truck pulls up next to our car. They scope up Tobias. And some help me up and ask questions.

"How do you feel, Tris." One lady asks.

"Fine. Is Tobias okay?" I shake, i need to know.

"He will live. in what condition i do not know." She responds. It hurts like crazy to walk but i walk over to where he is lying down on a stretcher.

"Tobias..." i whisper as i move of hair out of his face. A fairly large cut is across his head. I whisper his name again. And he moves. His eyes flutter open.

" Tris?! Where are we? Are you okay?" He stutters.

"Yes, i am fine. Um well we got in a car accident. The car is unusable. I am sorry." I explain.

"Oh, i am just glad your okay." he says very sweetly. I kiss him on the head. .

"Thank you. But i'm fine. I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry, Tris. I'll live. Right?" he asks.

"Right. And i will be here for you. I love you." I have to admit he is very cute and sweet when he is hurt.

"I love you too." I grab his hand kiss the top of it. Just then a doctor comes over.

"Mr. and Mrs. Eaton, the injuries are not severe. Just a few stitches and a broken leg. We are taking him to the hospital now. Get in Tris. Oh and Tris i think you broke your nose." The doctor adds. Thanks for caring. I sigh.

"Tris, i have a broken leg." Tobias looks at me worried.

"Shhh, its okay baby. You can rest if you want." I tell him.

"Okay." Tobias says. I sit next to him and wait till we get to the hospital. We get there and i gently wake him.

"Hey." I smile at him.

"Hey." He says. We get in the room the doctors tell us our injuries. I have been making everybody let me stay with him. Thats the thing about Dauntless doctors, they don't care. My nose was not broken like that other doctor predicted, but badly damaged. But indeed Tobias has a broken leg. Pop! I hear a pop which snaps me out of my thought. Tobias winces. They just fixed the bone. I grab his hand again and squeeze and he gives me a weak smile. About 2 hours later we get sent home. We are sitting on the couch watching a movie, he pulls me by the waist so i scoot closer to him. I test my head on his shoulder and he says,

"I am so sorry. I almost killed you. It's okay if you don't forgive me." He looks at me then looks away.

"I know your sorry. It's not you fault, it was that jerks. We are both alive and it's nothing to bad. Right?" i say.

"Right." Then we fall asleep together on the couch.

If she lived. Divergent series.Where stories live. Discover now