Chapter One

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Not people still voting for and commenting on this story, I wrote it when I was 15 and stupid😭 anyway it's been over 3 years and I still can't get over the fact people like this so much oml. Imma keep it up anyway cause why not lol. Enjoy I guess idk😭

(Sorry, I just love this gif!^^)

It was Christmas Eve and everything was not going according to plan. _____ got in a fight with her cousins, her younger sister, Astrid, was missing, her uncle Maurice broke his arm trying to find her. It was not a good Christmas for this family. _____ thought it was all her fault because of a wish she made that she had come to regret. And to top it all off, the power was out. So, she was stuck in a house with eight other people in the house with no electricity, no heat, and no hot water.

     _____ was not the first one to experience this. Her Grandfather Luis did the same thing when he was younger than his granddaughter. He had lost hope and belief in Christmas spirit. That night, St. Nicholas didn't come, but his shadow visited his family, taking his parents and siblings, leaving him with nothing. _____ knew he had been acting weird all these years on Christmas.

     "Hey, sorry to bother you guys," _____'s cousin Andrea said, "but I need to use the bathroom. Can someone come with me?"

     "Good luck getting me to come with you," Great Aunt Lucy said. "You never know what could be lurking up there. If I were you, I would hold it."

     "I'll come with you," _____ offered, standing up. "Let me get a flashlight first."

     "Okay. Thank you," Andrea thanked.

     _____ made her way into the kitchen and found the drawer that held emergency items. Inside there were multiple small flashlights, some bigger, some knives in leather sheaths, pocket knives, a few small boxes of bullets, and a small pistol in the way back. _____ grabbed one of the bigger flashlights and looked at one of the pocket knives.

     'Maybe I should take one just in case,' _____ thought to herself as she picked up a pocket knife and shoved it in her pocket. She closed the drawer and walked out of the kitchen, meeting Andrea.

     "You ready?" _____ asked.

     "Lead the way," Andrea said.

     _____ clicked on the flashlight and started walking toward the stairs, slowly stepping on the first step. As the girls proceeded, the stairs creaked under their weight, causing them to freeze every now and again. Once they got to the top, there was a door on the wall and a dark hallway leading to the left and right. _____ turned right, heading toward the bathroom.

     "Here it is," she whispered. "I'll stand guard."

     "Okay. Can I keep the door open a smidge for light?" Andrea quietly asked.

     "Yeah, I won't look. Make it quick, though."

     "Okay. Thanks."

     Andrea kept the door open a crack. _____ kept the flashlight angled toward the crack so her cousin could have some light. Everything was so quiet except for the faint creaking under _____'s feet as she shifted her weight. The hallway was dark and cold, causing her to be able to see her breath. It had an eerie atmosphere as everything kept quiet. But something then pierced the silence, startling _____.

     "_____? Andrea?" A voice called from the attic. The voice sounded like _____'s sister but with a robotic hint in the voice. "Guys, is that you?"

     "What was that, _____?" Andrea asked, flushing the toilet.

     "Ssh," _____ shushed her cousin. "I don't like this," she whispered.

Klown | First of the Krampus Series (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now