Chapter Eleven

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(Sorry for the short chapter! Did I already use this pic? ^^)

     _____ opened her eyes from a dreamless sleep. Klown wasn't in the room for the first time she woke up. She was going to push the covers off but she was too warm and tired to do so. Instead, she wrapped herself more in the covers, enjoying the warmth. Sleep was just about to overcome her again when the door opened.

_____ figured it was Klown. She didn't bother sitting up to see who it was. Just then did she realize it was not Klown when the person pulled her blankets off and covered her mouth with their gloved hand. It was Stekkjarstaur and his little friends.

"I have had enough of you, _____," he said, closing the door and locking it. In his hand was one of the finished toys he made the day before. "Now you are going to pay for your choices."

Other elves held _____'s arms down, preventing her from fighting back. Stekkjarstaur made his way toward her, the evil toy in his hand. She pretended to not know what to do, but she had a little something in mind.

"Oh, do not worry. This will only hurt. A lot." The Dark Elf chuckled as he brought the toy closer to _____'s face.

Just before it touched her, _____ opened her mouth as wide as she could and bit down on an elf's hand, causing him to scream and pull his hand back. The other elves watched as the injured elf recoiled in pain. _____ took the chance to use all of her strength to lift her arms up, surprising the other elves. She then took the toy in her own hands and threw it at Stekkjarstaur, causing him to scream, trying to get the toy off of him.

_____ got up and opened the door. She ran out of the room, just to run into Klown who was holding two mugs of hot chocolate. The drinks spilled onto his and _____'s clothes, causing her to yelp in pain due to the temperature. It seemed like it did not bother Klown at all as he rushed to help her out.

"Klown, you gotta help me!" _____ said. "Stekkjarstaur has gone mad and he's trying to kill me with one of the toys!"

Klown's expression changed dramatically. He gently set _____ down, for she didn't feel any more pain. He made his way to the crazy elf and screamed at him in the different language, ripping the toy out of his hands. Stekkjarstaur screamed back, pointing at _____. Klown then grabbed the elf by the collar, picking him up off the ground. He then threatened him, causing Stekkjarstaur to freeze in fear. Once Klown dropped him, he scrambled away as fast as he could. Klown looked over at _____ and smiled, proud of himself.

_____ walked over to him and hugged him despite the hot chocolate on their shirts.

"Thank you," she said.

Klown hugged her back, nuzzling her neck again. _____ pulled away, looking at her dirty, ripped shirt. Klown attempted to touch her bare stomach but his wrist was caught by her hand.

"Don't even think about it," she said, pushing his hand away. "Now, I need a clean shirt but I don't have one. Do you think you could find me one?"

Klown looked down at his shirt. Surprisingly the drink spilled mostly on his shirt and very little on his jacket. He took the jacket off and wrapped it around _____'s smaller form. She thanked him and slipped her arms through the sleeves, enjoying the warmth and scent of Klown.

"B-but I still need a shirt..." _____ said awkwardly.

Klown | First of the Krampus Series (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now