Chapter Fifteen

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(So sorry for the short chapter and the long delay! My family gets really busy during holidays. I figured I would post a chapter on new year's day because why not? Plus, thank you so much for the many readers! You guys are awesome! Happy new year everyone!!)

     "Stekkjarstaur wants to put an end to your life," Gluggugaegir said, avoiding eye contact.

_____'s eyes widened. She turned to Klown angirly. "And you never told me about it?" She fussed.

Klown whimpered and backed away, ashamed he didn't warn her about Stekkjarstaur trying to kill her.

"Look, I don't mean to be mean, but this is serious!" _____ reasoned. "I mean, I know you warned me about him trying to hurt me, but I didn't know he wanted to kill me!"

Klown lowered his head, feeling ashamed. This was the first time _____ has yelled at him while they were together. He felt like he had failed at being the perfect boyfriend. _____ sighed, turning her attention on Gluggugaegir.

"Here, let me help you," _____ held out a hand, waiting for the poor elf to take it.

Gluggugaegir accepted it and struggled to stand up, appreciating _____'s help and limped at her side, walking to _____'s old room she didn't share with Klown. Meanwhile, Klown followed a little ways behind. He didn't want to upset his loved one any more. He didn't want to be yelled at again, like the time he tried to show how much he loved her.

"There you go," _____ said, gently letting go of Gluggugaegir, allowing her to sit down comfortably on her bed. "Klown, would you be a dear and find an emergency kit?"

Klown's face lit up, happy to be a "dear" and help _____. He turned and started to frantically look for the kit, excited to earn back _____'s love.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" _____ asked Gluggugaegir. "Was it that bad?"

"I do not feel much now," Gluggugaegir said. "I do not need the kit. I am fine."

"Yes, you do need the kit!" _____ argued. "That toy got you pretty bad! You can't keep working in this condition!"

"I am capable. I am stronger than you think." Gluggugaegir started to get up, only to be stopped by _____.

"Well, that may be true but you're just and elf and it's easy for you to get hurt in his condition! Klown, please find the kit. Gluggugaegir isn't acting normal."

"I am acting normal. I do not need the kit."

Klown then made his way over to the bed with the emergency kit in his hands. He smiles while giving it to _____, hoping she was not upset at him anymore. _____ gladly took it, opening it and taking out bandages and pain reliever.

"Now, hold still," _____ said, taking Gluggugaegir's hand and wrapping it in a bandage. "We don't want to open up the wounds."

Gluggugaegir pulled her hand away. "I am fine. I will live. You do not have a need to do this for me."

"Why, yes I do!" _____ protested. "Do you see yourself? You nearly got killed by that toy! You need medical care!"

"I do see myself," Gluggugaegir said. "And I am fine. It looks worse than it is."

_____ looked her in the eye (as best she could due to the mask) and sighed. "Fine. But whatever you do, do not let Stekkjarstaur get his hands on you again, you hear me?"

Gluggugaegir nodded. "Yes. Thank you, _____. I shall be on my way, then." She hopped off the bed and made her way to the door, closing it behind her as she left.

_____ looked to Klown. "I hope she'll be alright. Who knows what Stekkjarstaur is up to now?"

Klown nuzzled _____'s neck, making a purring sound. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. He then scooped her up and placed her on the bed, climbing under the covers with her. _____ didn't say anything as she was spooned by the giant, caring jester, waiting for sleep to find her once more.

(Okay, this is an edited part. Sorry if things were weird if you were reading this when I edited this, but I just found out that this story is #1 on the Krampus ranking!!! I never thought it would evolve into something like that!! I want to thank all of you for your support and all of your reads!! Thank you so much!!!)

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