Chapter Nine

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(Literally me EVERY SINGLE YEAR ^^)

"I was expecting you here," _____ heard that familiar voice.

She opened her eyes to see Jack looking down at her. His hand was held out, waiting for hers to take it. She took his gloved hand, helping him pull herself up. This time, he had specific markings on his face and the polka dots on his pants were very visible. His shirt underneath his jacket had faint stripes and his boot looked like a little crank was on the side of it.

"I know," he said. "Looks bad, doesn't it?"

"What? No!" _____ said. "I-I mean, you don't look bad but not very good either..."

Jack smirked. "Thought you'd say that. How about a dance, hm?"

Without warning, Jack grabbed _____'s hand, interlocking his fingers with hers. He guided her other hand to his shoulder and placed his other hand on her hip. He then guided her in a side-to-side swishing movement.

"W-wait," _____ said, trying to pull away. "I-I must tell you..."

"Yes, darling. Tell me anything," Jack squeezed her hand, causing her to try to pull away more.

"I-I don't know how to tell you this, but..."

"Yes, dear?"

"Um, I-I know how much you love me, and, well...I-I don't love you the same..."

"W-what?" Jack let go of her. "What do you mean you don't love me?! Am I not good enough to you?! Have I treated you wrongly?!"

_____ stepped back in fear. "N-no! Y-you don't understand!"

"Yeah. Maybe I don't. Maybe I don't understand how you want people to show their love towards you. But maybe I will." Jack began to step towards _____, causing her to step back.

"W-what? What are you talking about?" _____'s back hit the wall.

"Maybe I should show you my love in a different way," Jack grabbed her by the wrist. "You will love me. You'll see."

_____'s eyes shot open.

'What is up with these dreams?' She asked herself.

She then noticed that she was on a bed with no blankets. Instead, Klown's tail was wrapped around her smaller form, the music box touching her stomach. His arm was wrapped around your waist as his face was nuzzled in the back of her neck, breathing in the scent of her hair. The music box quietly and very slowly played Silent Night.

_____ slowly laid her hand on the jester's box, causing it to play a bit faster. Klown's arm tightened around her waist, his face trying to nuzzle her neck more, causing her head to slide forward.

"H-hey!" _____ chuckles. "Easy there!"

Klown tightens his grip on you with his arm and tail at the sound of her voice. His hand runs across _____'s bare stomach, making her uncomfortable all over again.

"P-please don't," she said, taking his hand off of her sensitive stomach.

Klown whimpers, burrowing his face into her morning hair and stroking it with his hand, gently detangling some of it. He then moved his hand to _____'s interlocking his fingers with hers lovingly.

"Hey, Klown?" She said. "I-I need to work in the workshop today. Krampus told me to. Can you let go of me?"

Klown did not let her go. He was not going to let her go until the end of his days.

"K-Klown, please. I don't want to get in trouble!" _____ pleaded.

She tried getting off the bed, just to be pulled back by Klown. He made a growling noise that told her he didn't want her to go. _____ tried again but Klown would not let her.

"Klown, please! Krampus will be mad! I don't want to get in trouble!"

Klown whimpered, not wanting his love life to go. He kept hold of her, loving the feeling of cuddling with _____. He knew she was angry, but that was the whole point. He loved her adorable angry face she always made.

"Klown, I swear. If you don't let me go I will make you wish you never met me," _____ threatened.

Klown finally let her go, whimpering at his choice.

"Thank you."

_____ slid on her boots and grabbed her coat. Right before she reached the doorknob, Klown's tail took hold of her waist and pulled her into his arm for one last hug. When he let go of her waist, he leaned in for another kiss. This time, _____ didn't have to try to show comfort. She enjoyed the kiss slightly and she had little knowledge why.

_____ pulled away, leaving Klown still in his trance with his eyes close. She giggled and kissed his forehead. His eyes then opened, a red hue spreading across his face.

"I have to go, okay?" _____ said. "I'll see you later, big guy."

With that, _____ left the room, leaving Klown alone to daydream about what he has planned for that night.

Klown | First of the Krampus Series (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now