Chapter Twelve

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     _____ flopped down on her bed. She did not like living somewhere away from her family, especially somewhere where elves hated her. It has been two years since she has served Krampus. She still had five more years to go. But between those past two years, _____ and Klown became best friends and they started a relationship.

Klown opened the door, managing to hold two mugs of hot chocolate in one hand. He closed it behind him and made his way over to the bed, setting the drinks down on the bedside table.

"Thank you," _____ mumbled, too tired and weary to talk normally.

Klown whimpered and placed a gloved hand on her face. He understood how tired she was. How tired she was of serving Krampus. Of dealing with Stekkjarstaur and his little friends. Of being bossed around 24/7. _____ held his hand, enjoying the feeling of the all too familiar hand in his.

"I'm so tired," she whined, burrowing her face in her pillow. "I just want to escape from this world."

Klown understands _____'s feelings and crawls on the bed, spooning her smaller form. He then nuzzled his face in her neck, trying to help her feel better.

"Oh, Klown,"_____ said. "What would I ever do without you?"

Klown responds by running a hand through her hair, massaging her scalp. _____ closed her eyes, enjoying the massage. After a while she turned around to face her beloved toy. Her eyes stared into his as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. _____ burrowed her face in his chest, forgetting all about the warm hot chocolate waiting for them.

_____ sighed. "What am I going to do? Krampus expects more from me, Stekkjarstaur hates me for no good reason, and there aren't enough warm clothes for me to wear. You're all I have that's positive."

Klown placed a hand on the back of her head, attempting to calm her down. He whimpers as he pulls the covers over her smaller form, him not needing them.

"And all of this happened in the past two years. Two years! I still have five more to go! I don't think I can-" _____ was cut off by Klown, his finger to her lips.

Klown ran a hand up and down her arm, reassuring her it's going to be okay. He pressed his plastic lips on her forehead, giving her a loving kiss. When he pulled away, he placed his chin on her head, causing _____ to burrow her face in his chest again. Klown rubbed her back lovingly, kissing her cheek.

Before long, _____ fell asleep in Klown's arms. He watched her for a bit until he closed his eyes and let sleep overcome him while cuddling _____, the hot chocolate cold and long forgotten.

"I have had enough of her," Stekkjarstaur told his elf friends. "It's about time to get rid of the girl."

"Yeah!" Ruprecht agreed. "Ruprecht thinks Stekkjarstaur is right!"

"Then, get Klaue and Perchta ready," Stekkjarstaur ordered. "They will love to have a chat with _____."

"We mustn't!" Guggugaegir called. "The poor girl is weak and tired. We must not kill her! She has been kind to us!"

"_____ has a weird way of showing it," Ruprecht muttered under his breath.

"She may not show her kindness the way we want to see it," Gluggugaegir said. "But _____ has kindness like nothing I have seen before. We must give the girl a chance."

Stekkjarstaur eyed his fellow elf kind. "She has yelled at me. She is not 'kind'. She is a bully!"

"And so are you!" Gluggugaegir argued, earning gasps from the other elves.

Stekkjarstaur grabbed Gluggugaegir by the collar. "It is my job to be a bully," he said coldly, pushing Gluggugaegir away.

"And what will you do if Klown finds out about your plan, Stekkjarstaur?" Gluggugaegir smirked under her mask.

Stekkjarstaur froze. He didn't think about that. If Klown found out, he would have his head ripped clean off. Even if he laid a finger on _____.

"Stekkjarstaur will think of something," Ruprecht said. "Right, Stekkjarstaur?"

The elf cleared his throat. "Yeah, I will. You win this time, Gluggugaegir, but not for long."

Stekkjarstaur made his way to his little dorm, shoving other elves out of his way, leaving Teddy Klaue and Perchta disappointed.

"Ruprecht was really hoping to see the girl get hurt," Ruprecht said, earning a slap on the back of his head.

_____ woke up in Klown's arms and was met with his eyes staring at her limp, tired form. She smiled, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Hey," _____ greeted him.

Klown's music box began to play Silent Night, his tail wagging happily. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. He nuzzled her neck, inhaling her scent. Ne then, very gently, nibbled the skin on her neck, causing _____ to gasp.

"K-Klown!" She giggled. "That feels weird!"

Klown stopped, giving _____ a chance to burrow her face in his chest again. It was only some times when they had the opportunity to cuddle with each other. _____ treasured these little moments, knowing she only had five more years with Klown. Whenever she brought it up, he would feel a great amount of sadness, knowing he would only see her if she or a family member of hers made a bad wish on Christmas.

Someone knocked on the door, startling _____. Klown got up and opened the door, surprised it was Gluggugaegir. She told Klown something in the different language, making his emotion change dramatically. He looked over at _____ with a worried expression.

"W-what is it?" _____ asked with a confused expression, sliding off the bed.

Gluggugaegir nodded her head and quickly exited. Klown turned around and prevented _____ from getting to the door.

"K-Klown, really. What is it?" _____ asked, worried.

Klown scooped her up in his arms and set her down on the bed. He then turned and made his way to the door, exiting the room and closing the door behind him. _____ heard some thumps on the door and went to check it out. But when she tried to open the door, it only opened a little bit. She saw that Klown had put a chair underneath the doorknob, preventing the door from opening any more. _____ tried to reach her arm through and move the chair, but her arm didn't fit.

"K-Klown?" She called, hoping for a response. "Klown, I'm serious! Let me out!"

But nobody came to let her out. _____ was growing worried.

'What's the deal?' She thought to herself.

Klown | First of the Krampus Series (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now