Chapter 23

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Nightmares, they keep you up all night long. Well I mean mine do and I'm sure others are the same. They feel so real like I'm actually there reliving that dream. 

Its 3A.M and I've been sitting here on my bed for about an hour now with my head in my hands rubbing my temples trying to keep this headache that I've have since I've been home at bay. 

Seeing Carter the other day doesn't help much. I have no idea why he didn't come and say goodbye.. Or why he never wrote back.. 

I couldn't sit here any longer I had to go for a run somewhere, so I pulled on my sweat pants over my booty shorts that I normally sleep in, throwing a sweat shirt over my tank top. I grab my phone with my headphones as I walk to the front door putting on my running Nike free runs. Since I couldn't sleep and my mind was going ape shit this is what I could only do at this time of the morning.


I had been running for over an hour now. I didn't know where my legs were taking me till I ended outside Carter's house. I didn't know why.. wait of course I knew why.. I needed answers from him I needed him to tell me why..

I knew showing up in sweats, having sweat all over me and lack of sleep didn't look too good but if I didn't do this now I don't know when ill ever do it.

As I looked up at the house everything was all dark expect there was a light coming from the drive way and I knew that it was coming from the garage. As I walked up the drive way the closer I got I could hear the faint sound of the radio playing and someone was humming softly.

I took a deep breath and walked in but I noticed that Carter was under the car tapping his foot to the beat of the music, so I grabbed his leg and pulled hard making him slide out from under there.

"What the fu... Skylar? What are you doing here?" He says looking up at him in shocked.

"I'm not in the mood, I need answers Carter.. Why didn't you say goodbye?"

He sighs as he stood up wiping his hands on the dirty rag that he stuffed into his back pockets of his low hanging jeans with no shirt no.. Focus Skylar.

"Sky please, let me explain" He says running his hand through his hair. Why does he have to be so god damn hot looking when I'm mad and upset with him..

God Skylar calm the fuck down woman!

I nod for him to continue because I couldn't find any words to say. 

"The night you got deployed was the night my dad showed up here, he even bought Cass with him. Believe me I was on my way to see you off but I couldn't leave mom by herself. He wanted to come and have a family chat.. I swear I was about to knock him out, they wouldn't leave till I had to call the cops but by the time they showed up and told them to leave Noah and Louise were pulling up in the driveway grilling me about not turning up for you. I feel so bad Sky" He says running his hand in his hair, I nod slowly.

"I never received any letters till this week, I have no idea why but I went to the base for the gun range the day before you came back and Noah handed me all these letters from you saying that some of the mail got lost. I don't know how they got lost..  I did write to you over the 2 months you were away but I thought you were mad at me for not coming that day that's why I didn't hear from you.. Sky I am so deeply sorry for everything, I didn't mean to hurt you I really care for you Sky." He says walking over to me as I just stared at him still not able to say anything.

"God I have missed you so much while you were away, I haven't been sleeping since you left hence why I am up at 4:30 in the morning fixing the car. I needed to keep myself busy while you were gone. They day you came back was the day I found out that you were back and that there was going to be a ceremony for the fallen but then I realized that it was for Zeus and watching you speak the other day about him it broke my heart. I knew he meant so much to you and I am truly sorry that you lost him." I nod wiping the few tears that managed to slide down my cheeks as he walks even closer to me standing in front of me.

"I never wanted to hurt you but everything I do seems to mess it up some way." He says looking into my eyes, in this dim light I could barely see the dark circles under his eyes. But one look into his eyes and I was melting. My hearts to beat faster as he took my cold hands in his warms hands, sending electric pose through me and I knew Carter could feel it too. Every time we touched it was the same feeling, I felt butterflies were flying around in my stomach.

He touches my cheek as I lean into his touch I closed my eyes to the feel of warmth on my skin and I could smelt his minty breath mixed with his old spice smelling cologne with a hint of oil and grease from working on the car.

"You make me always forgive you with just one touch" I kept my eyes closed biting my lower lip. I hear him chuckle.

"I know, but I plan on making it up to you for the rest of our lives." I snap my eyes open to those words. He smiles and I slowly smile. "I've missed your smile" he leans down and kisses my forehead I lean into his touch as I grab on to his waist afraid that I might fall to my knees. "So is sweats your new style?" He smirks as I look at him.

"I was running and this is where my legs took me.." I bite my lip as he nods "I haven't been able to sleep since I've been back.." I sigh "I-I have been having nightmares.. I only get a couple of hours a night but I always seem to wake up in sweat.." 

"You will be able to get through it, you have a strong family behind you and plus you have Louise, Noah and I to help you too. But you have to be strong." He says wrapping his arms around me as I lay my head on his bare chest. "Come on lets go inside I need a shower and we both need sleep" He says kissing my head as I nod. Still in his arms he turns off the light as we walk out of the shed and into the house.

Once we are in his room I was sitting on his bed in just my tank top and booty shorts when he walks in wearing a pair of silky boxers, I couldn't help but stare he definitely has a body for an marine. Biting my lower lip I see him smirk as he climbs into bed holding his arm open for me to cuddle into him as he pulls up the covers.

"I am glad your here Beautiful" he says softly as he runs his hand up and down my back as I lay my head on his bare chest listening to his heart beat.

"I'm glad I'm here too" I smile softly kissing the spot right over his heart. I felt safe in his arms I felt like I was home after all this time.

"I love you Skylar" he says kissing my head.

"I love you Carter" I say as we both close our eyes and let sleep come over us. Not hearing from Carter was horrible but now that I knew what happen I feel better about it. But I was still upset about Zeus being gone and I don't think that will go very soon.

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The song that is playing in the shed would be Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran 

I feel like it fits but please listen to any song you think fits.

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