Chapter 7

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I've been through and corrected this chaper so it should be okay, but tell me if anything is wrong so I can correct it.

enjoy! :)


Skylar's POV

"Thank you everyone, you've been wonderful but unfortunately we have to go" Liam told the cheering crowd.

"Thank you for comming and being a great audience and I hope the rest of the crowds on our tour will be as great as you guys" Niall added.

"Yes thank you for all your support we wouldn't be here without all of you so give yourselves a pat on the back" Louis grinned as the crowd did as he said.

"Just out of curiosity how many of you have tickets to other shows on our tour?" A chorus of screams answerred harry's question confirming that quite a few people had tickets to other shows "That's great well I hope you enjoyed tonight, I can honesstly say I had a wonderful time tonight"

"Thanks everyone you guys are the best fans in the world, we love you all" Zayn was cut off as girls squeeled "But I'm afraid that on that note we're going to have to love you and leave you. Goodnight everyone"

"Goodnight" The boys all said before jogging off stage towards where the rest of the dancers band and crew were and out of the sights of all the teenage girls.

"You two did great" Liam said hugging Danielle and I when he walked over to where we were stood.

"Thanks, I'm just glad I didn't fall on my face" Danielle joked.

"You'd look amazing even if you were sprawled out on the floor" Liam said. That boy can be so cheesy.

"I bet you'd love that Li" I joked and ran away laughing as Danielle went to smack my arm. When I looked back they were being all lovey-dovey so I decided to leave them to it. Instead I walked over to Andy who was holding the video camera in Maz's face. As I aproached he turned the camera onto me and said "And here is Skylar, another dancer on tour. So Skylar how do you think the first show went?"

"I think I was amazing!" I said in a posh voice sticking my nose in the air.

"Isn't she modest?" Andy asked the camera laughing.

"Seriously though it was great, the One Direction fans are amazing and it's a great atmosphere to be dancing in and nothing went wrong so yay!" I said clapping a little at the end.

"I heard clapping, thank you I know I did amazingly" Josh said sounding very snooty after suddenly appearing behind me.

"Wow, you two are so alike" Maz stated "You're both so stuck up and conceited" he joked.

"Us? never" Josh said putting an arm around my shoulders "We're not conceited, that's the wrong word, fabulously hot sounds about right though"

"Yeah, we're not stuck up either" I agreed "We may be better than you but we aren't stuck up"

"Ha ha" Andy said slapping each of our arms.

"Oh yeah we're hilarious too" Josh said turning the camera onto him and winking at the lense. We all laughed then Andy turned the camera back to Maz who said "So it's only the first show and already the fame has gotten to their heads already, such a shame"

I laughed along with the others until Andy and Maz went to interrupt Liam and Danielle kissing to 'inteview' them.

"Mummy" I looked over to see Zara running towards me being chased by El who grabbed her and picked her up before she could get to me and started laughing like a maniac shouting "Mummy can't save you now, you're mine!"

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