Chapter 5

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-(Y/n) you need to come back home! I'm so sorry to have cut your visit with your grandparents, but there have been reports of a terrible villain named 'stain' or something. I don't want you there where you could get hurt. Sure your grandparents were pro heroes, but they are getting older and weaker... I'm scared (Y/n)... start packing honey. Love ya.

This text was from (Y/n)'s mom. "Reports of stain? With my quirk I'll be fine!" The girl was somewhat angry at the fact that she couldn't stay with her grandparents. "Poor grandpa... I'm so sorry..."

Sure mom. I'll start packing now-

(Y/n) made her way to her grandparents room to talk to her grandma. Slowly approaching the door, after almost tripping over the many books her grandparents read that were just left on the floor, (Y/n) heard her grandma talking. There was another voice too. It was... her grandpa?

"(Y/n) is getting stronger. She's now just getting the hang of her power. I feel like someone should start training her! Like her dad!" (Y/n) pushed her head closer to the door so she could hear their conversation a bit better. Was this eavesdropping? Nah! Ok maybe a little....

"I'm telling you. She needs to learn how to use her quirk properly! There's so much to know and she's just scraped the surface! Plus there's that possible chance of-" 

"grandma?" (Y/n) interrupted her grandpa that was talking over the phone.

"(Y/n)? What's up? I thought you were asleep." Her grandma asked. 

"Oh well, I was about to sleep, then my mom texted me. She wants me to come home cuz there have been reports that Stain is in the area.." (Y/n) held onto her arm awkwardly. 

"Ah ok... well I guess we have other weekends to hang out! It's ok honey." Then the elderly woman walked up to her grandchild, and gave her a big hug. (Y/n) still felt bad, but then came up with a quick goodbye solution. 

"How about before I leave tomorrow, we visit grandpa?" Yoko smiled. 

"Of course honey."

-The next morning-

(Y/n) had finished packing in the morning. She tried doing it all before she slept, but the sleepiness took over. Getting changed and cleaning herself up, (Y/n) was now ready to go visit her grandpa alongside her grandma.

"You ready (Y/n)?" Her grandma asked, waiting on a couch near the door, reading her favourite book. 

"Yep! Let's get going." The two then slipped on their shoes and made their was out.


The two girls were finally reaching the entrance of the hospital. After speaking to the secretary, they were at the room that (Y/n)'s grandpa was staying in. (Y/n) knocked on the door. 


"Hellooo" Grandpa cheerfully greeted. 

"Grandpa!" The young girl ran up to the bed and hugged her grandpa. 

"I can't stay long Grandpa. I have to go soon." The old man nodded 

"Ah yes I heard on the phone last night. At least we got to see each other." He smiled. The three hung out for about 30 minutes before (Y/n) realized she had to go.

"Oh no.... THE TRAIN LEAVES IN 10 MINUTES! BYE GRANDPARENTS!" (Y/n) speed walked out of the hospital to avoid being yelled at by employees. The two grandparents chuckled.

(Y/n) was running to the station when she saw Hitoshi. 

"Ah better go say goodb-" The girl then witnessed a couple of students pushing the boy around. 

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