Chapter 26

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Arriving at their destination, everyone exited the bus to be met with a very special guest.

"Everyone, u have been waiting for you!" That special guest being none other than pro hero Thirteen! (Y/n) felt herself progressively getting more excited. Sure, the children had been around many pro heroes as is in school, but somehow this was still exhilarating. Beside her, Shouto noticed her face getting flushed from excitement, to which he lightly smiled too. It warmed him up inside to see her like this.

A few people down, (Y/n) noticed Izuku dorking out
alongside their lady friend, Cutie pie- I mean Ochako, making it clear that Thirteen was indeed one of her favourite heroes.

"Let's go inside without delay." Thirteen announced. She extended her arm towards the entrance of the very large building, indicating it was time to start with the class.

"Looking forward for working with you!" The entire class exclaimed, excited for their instructors to announce what was next. Upon entering, everyone was blown away.

"Wow!! It looks like USJ!"

As they looked around, Thirteen named every rescue situation they were to participate in.

"A Shipwreck," she said, pointing to a large body of water along with a huge water slide decorated with rocks and boulders along its winding route, probably made for boats,

"A landslide," everybody's eyes turned. There was a mountain like area combined with broken down buildings, as if resembling ruins. Definitely uncannily resembling a true to life depiction of an after events of a landslide,

"A fire," A building was now the focus point. Inside this building was a mini city, accompanied by many many flames blazing hot and high, ready to burn within seconds,

"A windstorm," just like the fire building, the difference being it's natural disaster. Wind blew, raging around from the inside, ready to blow down anything in its path.

"Et cetera." She finished, letting the children look around by themselves, predicting what crazy things they would need to do everywhere else inside this giant building.

"It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short!" She exclaimed. She hyped up her creation, but all the class could think was,

"It really is USJ." Was the only thing the class could think. Just then, Aizawa went to 13. The two were talking about something, but no one could really hear much. They couldn't even read lips due to Shouta's head being turned as well as 13's helmet covering her face. But just then their teacher moved to the side, revealing 13 who starting talking to the class once again.

"Let's see... before we begin, let me say one thing... two, well no, 3- or 4.. 5... 6... 7..." everyone wondered when she was going to stop her rapidly increasing counting, thankfully she stopped at 7. "Everyone, I am sure you are aware of my Quirk, Black hole. I can suck up anything and turn it to dust." (Y/n) looked to her side to see Ochako rapidly nodding her head at Izuku's words.

"You've been able to use that quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?" He spoke, a happy little smile smudged all over his face as he spoke.

"Yes," she responded, "but this is a power that can kill easily." Izuku's smile faltered, now his face displayed a look of shock as well as interest.

"Some of you also have Quirks like that right?" Slowly (Y/n) looked to the ground. A weird pain resonated throughout her body at 13's words, and suddenly it felt as if she wasn't alone... as if there was another being following her in the shadow she cast daily. Uneasiness struck hard, but it didn't last long. As 13's words continued to reach the ears of the students, (Y/n) couldn't help but pay attention, although her anxious thoughts kept watch of her from the back of her mind, dwelling, but not present enough to make her hurt.. no.. not yet..

"In a superhuman society, personal quirks have been certified and stringently regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance," (Y/n) felt a tug at her leg. "However, please do not forget that there are many quirks that can easily kill with one wrong step." Along side 13's words (Y/n) could hear whispering from behind. The voice belonged to Tokoyami.

"Dark shadow! Get back here!" He whisper shouted. The class ignored him to give 13 the attention that she required to teach, but (Y/n) couldn't ignore the tugging on her leg any longer. She looks down behind herself to see Dark shadow, but, he wasn't tugging at her leg, he was tugging at her shadow. Her eyes widened at the sight, it felt as if knives were puncturing her head. The purple shadow barely imitating her silhouette lay on the ground, baring its fangs as if trying to fight dark shadow.

But why did this shadow strike something in (Y/n). It's as if she had seen this before. No... she's felt this before, she knew of its presence. 'What in the the fuck-' and then Tokoyami appeared. He placed his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder while still looking ahead. He whispered in her ear discreetly.

"Just a little longer and we'll be in. Dont look down." He reassured her with what he could, surprisingly it worked. Tokoyami felt like he could relate to her, to her strange uncontrollable fright. He saw it in her eyes, her body language. In the meantime, 13 finished.

"That is all, thanks for listening." The class cheered and shouted. (Y/n) clapped as she smiled brightly. Tokoyami smiled, he decided to not cheer and shout in his classmate's ear. He kept tabs on her anyways. To him, Tokoyami was now someone who understood. She was someone he could talk to. Someone just like him. 'Maybe we can be friends...' but he was shaken awake from his thoughts when the classes attention was drawn over to the fountain in the distance. A purple swirl emerged. No, a purple portal.

Everyone was confused as Aizawa shouted at everyone to stay together. Although their worst suspicions had been proven true as their teacher shouted;

"Don't move!... those are villains." He said, putting on his goggles.

-OMG THE LAST TIME I UPDATED WAS JULY????? Bruv I'm sorry. My classmates this year were talking about stories yesterday and I thought  "Oh shit 😳😳 I got one to write. Soooo... hope you like this one!!! I'll try to get the next one out right away 🥴😼🦧

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