Chapter 17

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(Y/n) rubbed her sore muscles as she payed attention to Present Mic's lesson. He was teaching English currently, speaking the foreign language as the rest of the class sat and listened in confusion.

"Let's see here... (L/n) (Y/n)! Can you pleeeaaaseee read this senteeennnceee!" Hizashi asked, making his words sound musical as he pointed finger guns in the mentioned girls direction.

"Y-yeah... 'The cat licked Mr. Aizawa's face. Present Mic and I laughed as we watched'..." 'what a weird sentence' (Y/n) thought.

"GRRRRREAT!" This time he spoke like Tony the Tiger, yelling to the class to express his feelings. No one truly understood why their energetic teacher was so overly excited about everything. Although, they never questioned it as they liked the energy in the morning. Note they like the energy, not the lesson. Suddenly the bell rang, signalling lunch time had now begun.

"Alllllright! See you all next class!" Present Mic shouted one last time to the students. (Y/n) decided to get up and make her way to the classroom door to get to lunch. Behind her, Ochaco quickly packed up her English class supplies to catch up to the (H/c)-ette.

"(Y-Y/n)! Wait up!" Ochaco ran up to walk beside her newest friend.

"Ocha-pie!" (Y/n) exclaimed, patting the girls short brown hair. Ochaco blushed at the contact as she nervously looked down at her shoes, but enjoyed it none the less.

"We should probably wait for the others, dontcha' think? I can't believe I forgot!" (Y/n) added, remembering the rest of their friend group members.

"Y-yeah! We should definitely wait for Deku and Iida..." Ochaco replied, although a little disappointed that the two boys would be ruining their alone time.

"Izu! Iida!" (Y/n) waved her hand around, catching the attention of the two boys. They quickly caught up to the girls, now walking beside them in a row.

"I'm so excited to eat Lunch Rush's cooking! It's so good, I can't even handle it!" (Y/n) closed her eyes and dreamt about the delicious food she had tried the day before.

"Haha! I can tell you really like his cooking, (Y/n)! I've even seen you day dreaming about it! You were also drooling..." Izuku replied, laughing as he remembered how his friend acted as she doze off in class.

"I'm sorry but I cant help it! That's a chef's cooking I can cross off my bucket list now! Next, New York - Eleven Madison Park. Gotta have a little fine dining here and then, am I right?" The group laughed as they continued to talk about dream restaurants they needed to go to along with their favourite types of dining. Soon enough the four were at the canteen, hungry and ready to eat Lunch Rush's food after their long talk. Although as the entered the huge room, they heard a voice call for (Y/n).

"(Y/n)." The voice came from about 9 feet away. The group turned their heads to the speaker.

"Oh hey Hitosh- HITOSHI OH MY GOSH!" (Y/n) ran to her friend, jumping on him as she approached. Her arms surrounded his neck as her legs wrapped around his torso. She removed her face from the crook of his neck to look at the boy properly.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Hitoshi smiled, looking at the joyful girl as he stood still.

"Right back atcha." Then (Y/n) remembered her friends.

"O-oh shoot!" She hopped down from Hitoshi's grasp, slightly disappointing the boy, and dragged him along to the group she previously stood with.

"Everybody! This is Hitoshi Shinso! I met him when I was visiting my grandparents and we instantly clicked! Oh Izuku, this is the friend I told you about before." (Y/n) announced as she continued to hold onto Hitoshi's hand. They all greeted the sleepy boy as he did them.

"Is it ok if he joins us for lunch??? Wait- Can you join us for lunch even???" She asked her indigo haired friend, too excited to care how overly happy she acted.

"I can eat lunch with you, if your friends are ok with it." Hitoshi and (Y/n) turned their heads to Iida, Ochaco and Izuku, waiting for their response.

"I-I'm ok with it!" The broccoli said, giving a thumbs up with his left hand, as the other nervously rubbed his nape.

"I am ok with him joining us. The more the merrier." Iida announced, pushing his glasses back into place.

"Of course it's ok! Meeting new people is always fun!" The bubbly brunette said, confirming the group was ok with the additional member. (Y/n) smiled as she received approval from her friends. They now all made their way to an empty table. After buying their food, Lunch Rush approached their table to greet them with it.

"Rice is great comfort food, right?" He said. Izuku fanboyed as the others sat there admiring the pro hero that stood in front of them. (Y/n) devoured her food faster then anyone could imagine. Even Hitoshi was surprised. After everyone was finished, it was time to get back to their hero school duties.

"I'm happy I got to see you here today, Hitoshi! Let's meet up sometime." (Y/n) hugged her friend goodbye as she rushed back to class with her classmates. Hitoshi sighed as he watched her run off, a blush spreading over his face. 'Dammit, (Y/n).'

Ochaco opened the class door for her friends. They all now sat in their spots, waiting for their new class to begin.

The class now waited for their Basic Hero Training to begin. Everyone was silently chatting to their friends when suddenly a booming voice was heard.

"I am..." (Y/n) noticed Izuku's head quickly turning to the door, a smile plastered on his face. 'Wait I recognize that voice-' she remembered watching a specific video with Izuku every time she visited the boy.

"Coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might blasted through the door, not entering like any normal person ever would. The class rejoiced upon seeing the number one hero in their class room.

"Yes! Hero training begins!"

-Helloooo! This chapter is a little shorter, but mostly because I want all the basic hero training stuff to be in one chapter together instead of having it join this chapter, making it unnecessarily long. Oh and, Thank you for 700+ reads! I just got back from a camping trip to the surprise and I just wanted to thank you for reading! Anyways, I'm gonna go to sleep now since I am veryyy tired. See ya!

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