Day One / Two

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Skeletal. Butterflies. Nearly every time he touches me, and especially now as he's holding my hand and singing to me. It's unfair, how I've barely known him and this is how he affects me? I hate it. I hate him.

This is fantastic.

I can almost feel it as the hymn does it's work. A sort of warm sensation slowly works its way throughout my body, I can feel it in my bones. It's... Nice. Comforting. Not like anything I've felt for a long while.

"And now I'm even more sorry to say," Will actually speaking english to me pulls me out of my thoughts, "I should probably work on the chest wound."

"So what does that mean?"

"It means you having to take off the amazing floral print shirt, bud. There's a little back room we can

hide in, if you're not okay with shirtlessness in front of people." I don't want to have my shirt off, at all, in general, but... I guess the smaller room is better than the crowded infirmary itself. And, being in a small room with Will Solace-No, not thinking like that, absolutely not.

"Back room." I reply simply.

"Figured. Follow me, death boy." He's already walking away, so I stand up quickly to follow the blondie. It feels like people are staring at me-I'm sure no one is, but it feels like that nonetheless.

There is, in fact, a small room, separated from the main area by only a curtain. It looks like they just shoved a cot in a storage room. Which is likely what happened.

"Sit on down. Do you have any other clothes in your cabin or something? Or is this all you have?" Will asks.

"This is it."

"Figured. Would you rather the floral shirt that is, at this point, only half way actually on you, or a camp shirt?" He rummages through a cabinet, holding out one of the orange camp t-shirts.

"Camp shirt."

"Great. Now... Take off your shirt. No homo." He smiles, while I'm confused.

"No homo?"

"Yeah? Like, not gay? Because, uh, "Take off your shirt" absolutely sounds like a sexual thing and we're both male?" He explains. "Not anti-homo though, I'm homo as hell. Take off your shirt."

"You're what?" I ask, because he just admitted that to me, so... casually?

"Gay? Don't tell me you're homophobic."

"No, of course not," I excuse quickly, "You just said it so suddenly."

"Stop stalling, death kid. I have to heal your chest. Bad shit could happen if I don't." Will changes the subject, which I'd very much prefer he didn't. I finally actually do pull off the terrible-looking floral shirt.

"There ya go. I'm going to re-stitch this huge ass gash, do the magical healing again, then you can get a shirt back on. Shouldn't take long at all." And he's touching my chest, warm and nice-feeling, and those godsdamn skeletal butterflies fill my stomach again. I just stare at the wall, acting as though I'm not dying inside.

He's humming, and he starts singing that hymn again, and it's all done far too soon. And takes

forever. Time is odd.

"Here ya go." He tosses the shirt at me, and I put it on, and then it goes silent as he organizes something in the small room.


I don't love silence.

"Your singing is terrible." I tell him, finally.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Parlo italiano fluente." I respond- "I speak fluent Italian" is the translation.

"Anch'io." He shoots back- "Me too, or same here."

"Why do you know Italian?"

"It's the language of poetry or music or something. Most of my siblings do too." Will explains. "And you're from Italy."

"How could you tell?"

"Say my name."

I feel like this is a trick, "Will?"

"That's how. You're saying Weel. It's kind of cute," I'm sorry, what? "and a typical Italian accent thing. Plus everything else about you, frankly. The gesticulating, how you look. Where're you from?"

"Venice. In the 20s."

"...In the 20s?"

"Long story."

a/n I read that nico'd pronounce will as weel and I dunno if that's accurate but its fucking adorable and amazing so im taking it thanks

Barely Breathing ~ 3 Days In The Infirmary FicWhere stories live. Discover now