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"Nico? Okay awesome, you're still here." Will checked back into the little back room, smiling and slightly bloody now.

"Of course."

"Okay, I uh... I have something to tell you, and I'm going to be really blunt and quick about it, and if you don't like... If it isn't mutual, we can act like this never happened, okay?" Will clarified first. He looked sort of nervous, and was.

"Go ahead." Nico replied shortly.

"Alright. Ilikeyouandiwannadateyoubutlikeifthat'snot-" Will rambled out.

"Whoa whoa," Nico took a step towards Will, catching his eye, "Slow down."

Will took a deep breath. "I like you. And I want to hang out with you more? After this? When you don't have to be here anymore, I mean, like when I'm not forcing you."

Nico went slack-jawed. "Like me?"

"Yeah. I think. I mean I haven't really, uh, you know really liked a dude before but I just think you're amazing andheroicandcuteandIjustthink-"

"Slow. Down. I can barely understand you, Will." Nico interrupted.

"Just... Do you want to do that? Hang out after I'm done forcing you to be here? And maybe... Go... out?"

Nico just... stared, for a moment, debating whether or not this was a joke or a prank, or how to respond.

"You know, if you don't want to then that's okay. we can act like this never happened. I won't feel bad if you just want to never interact again."

"No, Will, that isn't it. I'd like to talk to you more, and hang out, and all. Maybe not..."

"Maybe not actually dating yet? Or at all? I'm sorry, I just assumed that feeling was mutual, I really shouldn't've because it probably-"

"It is. The feeling is mutual. But, yes, not dating yet, or going out, or anything like that."

"Okay! Okay, that's okay! Cool. Super cool. You're cool."

"Do I have you flustered, mr. big shot head of cabin?" Nico chuckled, "You're not speaking quite as eloquently as you typically do."

"I'm a disaster gay, okay, leave me alone. But don't actually, because we're friends now."

"Of course." Nico smiled, so Will smiled back. It was a nice moment, until Will had to help someone yet again.

And for the past few days, weeks, months, maybe years-Nico'd felt like he was almost suffocating, barely breathing.

But seeing Will's smile right then, was a breath of fresh air.


a/n comment if you wanna see the 2 alt endings

Barely Breathing ~ 3 Days In The Infirmary FicWhere stories live. Discover now