Night Two

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"Lights out, everyone get some sleep! You especially, death boy." Will pointed Nico out, then flicked off the lights and walked out, along with a majority of his siblings. Small lights turned on next to cots, night lights for those completely afraid of the dark.

Nico was more than hesitant to sleep. Nightmares were always an issue, and he knew they'd be an issue for days and weeks and years to come. But, on the other hand... The other night, getting a good sleep, was amazing.

He actually did, quite surprisingly, fall asleep. He got a good hour-maybe two-of sleep. Amazing. Wild.

And then that stopped.

Nico woke up in a cold sweat, panting and looking around the room in a panic. Another nightmare about Tartarus.

"Are you okay?" Will asked quietly, suddenly next to Nico. Nico had to stare at Will for a moment, comprehending who it was, where he was.

"I'm fine." Nico stated quickly.

"Great. Get back to sleep." Will replied bluntly.

"Excuse me? Absolutely not. I don't want to do with that more."

"You won't, trust me. Sleeping will help you heal, getting on a consistent sleep schedule can help nightmares." Will argued.

"You don't get it."

"I'm sorry?"

"Apparently you don't understand what it's like to be plagued with memories of hell nightly."

"Bold fucking assumption, Di Angelo. You aren't the only one that deals with nightmares, half of camp does. War, losing my family members, other traumatic shit-but I dealt with it, I did research, I fixed my fucking problems to the best of my ability. I could do that, so can you, if you actually fucking try." Will was quiet-nearly silent, it was night after all-but pissed. Extremely.


"Whatever, keep fucking yourself up. Don't take my advice. Keep thinking you're the only one that's had trauma." Will sighed, and it was genuinely close to the maddest Will's ever looked, just under that time he berated Octavian.

And that was fair, really. All Will wanted was to help Nico, to see him recover from this last battle-and Nico wasn't listening. He tried to fight Will about the most basic things-like eating, for gods' sake, or sleep. It was just annoying.

Will waited for a response, for just a moment, but Nico had no idea as to what to say. So Will just walked off.

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