Never Again Pt 2

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Her hand fell over her swollen belly, shoving down on the uneven lump under her ribs. She shifted on the bed, arching her back.

"Damn kid needs to get out of my stomach." she gasped, sweat making her hairline look glossy.

"Mitsuki." Masaru warned, rubbing her sternum gently. "You keep pushing on him that way and he'll have a melon head when he's born."

"Like I fucking care!" she whined, ducking her head to hide the tears of frustration and pain, "I'm just sick of this heartburn. Every day. Every night. I need a break, Masaru. I can't keep doing this. It's exhausting. He should have been out five days ago!"

His eyes wrinkled at the corners as he frowned, his helplessness exaggerated in the moment. "It'll be over soon. I promise." He whispered, leaning forward and kissing his wife's forehead. "And we'll have a beautiful little boy to hold."

"I know." She leaned against his lips, then whined, grabbing his hand and placing it on the bony expanse between her breasts. "Don't stop rubbing." She grimaced, trying to stretch out again. "It hurts."

"Sorry." He half smiled, feeling awful. He'd never seen her struck so low by something so... mortal. It was humbling that his larger than life wife was not only carrying his child, but suffering chronic heartburn as a result.

He hid the smile behind her hair, burying his lips against her scalp.


"Katsuki!" Mitsuki sang from the kitchen, wandering into the living room. "Katsu- Oh my God. Oh my God, Masaru! Masaru, get your ass out here!"

Quickly she pulled out her camera, turning it on and training the lens to focus on her standing nine month old.

"He's standing!" Masaru was out of breath, but the pride was still evident in his tone.

And the love.

"Look!" Mitsuki interrupted him, "Look, look! He's pulling himself around the furniture. Oh my God!!" She looked the camera, watery eyes turning to her husband. "Oh my God... 'Ru. My baby won't need me to carry him anymore."

Wisely her husband didn't speak, instead holding his arms wide for his wife to fall into. As though on cue a jealous Katsuki fell, letting out a loud, angry scream that calmed as soon as his mother wrapped him in her arms.


"You play so perfectly." The old woman groused, "I just don't understand why you got a sour note this time. It's been perfect almost every day. Did you do this on purpose?" The wrinkles on her face sagged as a new thought dawned on her, "Are you mocking me?"

"Alright," Mitsuki stepped in, carefully eyeing her son. "I think we're done for the day. You can leave now."

"Y-yes but-" She snatched her purse as Mitsuki shoved her towards the door.

"He skipped his nap today." Mitsuki offered as explanation, "I'm sure that's it. I'll have a talk with him."

"Yes, yes. That must be it. I will see you on Thursday then?"

Mitsuki slammed the door in her face. "Fat chance." She turned on a heel to face an uncomfortable, red faced Katsuki. "So?" She sidled onto the bench beside him, wrapping an arm around his trembling frame. "What happened baby?"

"I-I jus forgot the keys." Tears fell down his three year old cheeks, his red eyes swimming in a look of confusion. "I didn't mean to." He rubbed at his face, looking at his mom. "Why was she so m-mad?"

"Oh." Mitsuki pulled her son into her lap, "It's not your fault. You're just so naturally talented that sometimes people forget you are human." She squeezed him. "And young." Her heart twisted to see her son, her only child, her baby, so distraught with his failure. "Do you want to have her come back?"

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