Float Like A Demi-Squat

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He collapsed on the giant couch, arm thrown over his face.

He didn't care to see anyone else's room. He didn't want to be part of some competition. He didn't care what they thought of his room. It was hard enough being away from his family like this. His crocs were pushed up off his heels, his toes wiggling in the wide space, the strap pressing into the balls of his soles. He zoned on the red plastic; tracing the holes and ridges, imaging how the mold must have poured the material, how the seams were pressed together still hot.

He was tired after moving Bakugou's room around. It had been interesting to see the things the blond had packed and... not packed, not that he'd ever seen Bakugou's room when he was at home. There were things that should have been partnered, pictures that didn't fit their frames, books that were missing their prequels and/or sequels. Kirishima sighed heavy, his soul felt weary after the last week and a half; though he was grateful that he'd had a week with his family to get to say goodbye. They'd filled the day's with memories - from watching movies to buying things for his dorm.

"Only the manliest of things!" Eimio teased, her arm flexed as her purple and green haired girlfriend took shots at the second-hand punching bag.

"Only the manliest second hand manliest things." Eiko corrected, knocking her sister on the head. "We aren't made of money. We love you, Eiji. But we gotta be cheap about this. With you living at the school the prices are going to go up and-"

"I know." He beamed, "I've already got it covered though so don't worry. Now that I'm at the school I get free wifi, I can make twice as many reviews and I've started a blog series. Kind of like vines following the young budding heroes of tomorrow. We've signed waivers and I've got permission from the principal. Everyone gets a percentage of the profits based off their contribution, not their hits. I think I can make this work out."

His sisters exchanged an uncomfortable glance.

"You know that could backfire spectacularly." Jade slung an arm over Eimio's shoulder, cocking her hip. "Especially if any of you slip up."

"I'm going to be really careful." Eijirou promised, "So let's not worry and just focus on having fun. This is our goodbye after all."

"Only for a little while." Eiko corrected. "Don't be so final about it, Eiji. You'll make Eimio cry. Jerk."

"Sorry." He smiled, "You know me. Foot-in-mouth syndrome."

"Yeah." Eimio rolled her eyes, grabbing Jade's hand. "We know."

They strolled along the spacious second hand mall for a moment before Eiko pulled Eijirou aside. She glanced over her shoulder, double checking to be sure Eimio hadn't missed them. Based on how busy her mouth was with Jade's Eiko assumed she hadn't.

"So, I watched the rescue as it was being filmed."

Kirishima felt his ears go red as he averted his gaze, his fingers running over the denim fabric of a tiger striped jacket.

"Who is the blond kid?"

Kirishima sighed as the girls bounced into the main room. Everything had felt off in their classroom since the rescue. Their energies didn't sync like they had before. He couldn't blame them. The ones who had broken the rules had felt justified, vindicated - but also properly chastised. They could have lost everything - but wasn't it worth it? Wasn't that what heroes were supposed to do? Save others no matter the consequences to themselves?

He held his hand up, observing how the light fell through his fingers. The memory of Bakugou's hand sliding against his; of the brighter than life smile plastered across the blond's face jolted across his memory unbidden. Kirishima clenched his hand, bringing it to his stomach and laying it flat. Bakugou had been worth the risk. Despite his callous behavior he was a good friend and Kirishima couldn't imagine what he would have done had he lost him. It would have destroyed him. He would have lost UA to keep the volatile man around; thoughtful enough to pay him back for the night goggles he had spent a couple weeks worth of salary on.

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