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Niny's POV
"Why would they fall for me?" I said confused as I wouldn't even fall for myself.

"I mean who wouldn't?" Jin said while boiling the water.

"Stop quit playing" I said distracting myself by putting the ramen in the water. Jin was about to y'all but I cut him off.

"So how have you like it here?" I asked smiling.

"It's been good, even better since you and jubee are here" he said smiling. Wow he's so handsome, with his smooth silk black hair. How does he not have a girlfriend or even a wife? He can cook, sing, maybe dance, and the visuals. wHaT?

"Niny quit staring, hurry up and cook the noodles" he said chuckling. I stirred the ramen and put the seasoning in. It was all ready.

"BOYS AND JUBEEE COMEEE EATTT" I yelled for the boys to come. We all ate together, had some laughs. Jin's dads jokes were the best though. Jubee and Yoongi falling asleep while eating.

"Omg just go to bed" I said to both of them as they both got up and went to bed. I finished my noodles.

"Are you guys done?" I asked. They nodded and I took there bowls and I started doing the dishes. I felt a pair of hands wrapped around me.

"Thank you niny" jimin whispered in my ear as he put the bowl in the sink. I instantly looked like a tomato. What the actual fuck. Why do they keep doing weird stufffff. Literally making me have a heart attack. I'm not trying to die yet.

I finished washing the dishes and we all went back to the living room, I sat alone on the other side of the couch. Everyone was watching some kind of kid funny movie.

"I'm gonna go to bed I'm pretty tired" I said while walking to jimin's room and went to lay down. I was on my phone looking through Instagram. Jimin came in the room later on. He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Niny?" He said quietly. I looked up at him.

"Can we talk? It's been long" he said. I nodded.

"So uh how do you like it here?" He asked.

"Wait" I said as he was confused.

"Why don't you just lay with me?" I said patting on the empty side of the bed of mine. He smiled and lays down with me.

"Back to your question, yes I love it here. I love and miss hanging with you guys" I said smiling. We were both just staring up at the ceiling.

"This was such a long day" I said.

"Yeah, niny you know I really missed you" he said.

"I missed you too. Have you been over working yourself? I see all over social media about you over working?" I asked worried.

"I have but now that your here I feel better" he said and it warms my heart.

"Please take care of yourself or I will do it myself" I said facing him looking at him straight in the eyes. He looks right back at me. We just lay there as we turn pink. My heart is so warm and it's beating so fast.

"Your so beautiful" he said moving my hair out of my face softly. He caresses my cheeks softly. What are we doing? He's been like this ever since I can, so loving and flirty. It makes me feel something but idk what.

"It's really late, so I'll go back to my bed. Gets some rest niny" he said smiling and getting up to lay in his bed. I tried falling asleep but all I could think about was that moment, it was like fireworks.

Jubee's POV
Since niny told us to go to bed, we did since I was getting sleepy. Yoongi has the two separate beds also. I went to lay in bed as I was about to fall asleep Yoongi came and lay in my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked as my heart was beating really fast.

"I really do make your heart beat fast" he said chuckling softly.

"I thought we were going to bed, why are you in my bed?" I asked softly. He didn't say anything but was just laying there staring at the ceiling.

"I just wanted to lay with you" he said quietly trying to not make me hear. He slowly turns his body facing me. He pulls me in and holds me. It was so warm, he was rubbing his hand on my back.

"I just wanna hold you" he said quietly.

"Let me hold you" he said softly as he tries to find my hand and intertwine our hands together. I had so many butterflies in my stomach. I've never had a man hold me ever. It was the best feeling. I could hear his breathing, and his heart.

"Can we just stay like this?" He said and I nodded. So we ended up falling asleep together like that.

Niny's POV
It was the next day, and all of a sudden I see jimin in my bed. I was about to ask why he was in my bed but he looked so soft and comfortable with his cute chubby cheeks. I lay down observing him, with his clear skin, his pale silky skin color, his cute nose, his plump lips, his perfect shaped face, everything was just perfect. I moved a piece of his hair to the side.

I wanted to make breakfast for the boys so I slowly got out of bed carefully not trying to wake him up. I succeeded at least.

I went to the kitchen decided to make some eggs, bacon, with some rice. As I was cooking, Jin came out of his room.

"SMELLLLLLLL" he said sniffing hard, I chuckled at his silly ness.

"I'm cooking and it's almost done did you wanna wake the others?" I said to Jin. He was about to say something but everyone started coming out of there doors already.

"IS THAT BACON I SMELL" jungkook said running over.

"You guys are like dogs" I said laughing. I started putting the food on plates for everyone. We enjoyed breakfast together. All of them thank me for making such delicious food.

"What are we doing today?" Hoseok asked.

"Hmm you guys wanna go to a carnival?" Namjoon asked.

"Wouldn't you guys get recognized? What if rumors start cause your with us?" I asked worried.

"We can go to a more private one, I know one that a lot of people doesn't go to and plus we will wear masks" Namjoon said. I have him an Are you sure look and he nodded.

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