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I was following my heart, I know who I wanted and I was hoping that I wasn't too late. Hoping he would accept me.

As I walk downstairs, I look for the one I wanted and my eyes light up, my heart beats and that's how I know he is the one for me. He is the only one who makes me feel like this. He gives me his adorable smile.

"Niny? Helloooo?" He says waving his hand at my face, I grab his arm and drag him outside.

"What the, what are you doing Niny?" He says confused.

As we step outside, I stood facing in front of him. I gave him a serious look and he seemed so worried.

"Niny what's going on?" He said so worried and touching my cheeks. I had my hand on top of his hand.

"You, that's what's going on. I want you, and I was blind not to see it. I made you wait, I made you fight for me like i'm some dumb princess when all along you were the one I wanted deep down. I just couldn't accept it, I thought I had feelings for the two of you at the same time but truth is it's only for you. You are the only one who can make my heart race, who can make me feel i'm the only person in the world for you, your first priority. When I see you my heart bursts. My heart will hurt if I ever were to see you with someone else and I can't let that happen. I can't see you with anyone else. I love every little thing about you, your cute smile, your eye smile, your sweet heart, your kindness, your gentleness, your voice, your little laughs and giggles that makes my day everyday. I look for you everyday because you are the one who makes my day, who can make me happy. I want you and only you Park Jimin. You and only you forever. And I know the guy usually asks this but will you be my boyfri-" I said but he cuts me off by holding me i the air and kissing my face like crazy.

"YOU ACTUALLY CHOSE ME" He says as he giggles and kisses me still like crazy.

"please don't say that as if this was a game, it hurts. I want you" I say with a smile and have him a long kiss and we smile through it.

"AWWWWWWWW" I heard jin scream as I turn and look and everyone was out here.

"You guys were out here the whole time?" I asked.

"Of course" Namjoon said and he laughed. I looked at hoseok and he looked sad and happy.

I went towards him.

"Hoseok, i'm sorry I made you feel like this. You will find someone for you, someone who will love you and treat you with everything cause you deserve it. I am so sorry, friends?" I say with a small smile.

"Friends and i'm happy for you" He said smiling and gives me a small hug.

"okay okay okay hands off this is my girl now" Jimin says as he grabs me I laughed it off.

"You guys want to go ou-" Jin says but jimin already pulled me inside the house and into his bedroom.

"What the hell jimin" I say and he looks at me all flirty.

"Can we just lay in bed together because I finally have you Niny. I just want to be with you today" He said and my heart burst. I don't regret my decision. We lay in bed together and cuddle. We talked the whole night basically about everything, we laughed, tickled one another, and was just a lovely day to spend with each other.

"Wait niny, I never got to say what I wanted to say" Jimin said shocked.

"It's okay, I can see right through you about how you feel just looking at you" I say with a smile.

"Just know I love you so so so so so so so so so so so muchhhhhh. And I don't think we actually got to finish to make it official. So will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I kissed him as a response to yes. Of course.

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