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Sorry, I've been busy with school
So I wasn't able to update a lot of chapters :( not like anyone read this anyways lmao.

Niny's POV
I was waken up by Jin's annoying self. I groaned while trying to get up.

"Come on sleepy head" Jimin said behind the door. So I slowly got up. I opened the door and jimin wasn't there but it was Yoongi?

"Why you here?" I asked confused as he should be around jubee.

"Come on I need to ask you something" he said dragging me back into my room. We sat on the edge of my bed and he locked the door. Doesn't this seem weird? Why would he lock the door. He better not rape me.

"Stop being scared it's just about jubee I'm not gonna rape you" He said chuckling.

"How'd you know what I was thinking" I said shocked.

"I always know anyways, Niny I want to ask jubee to be my girlfriend" he said quietly making sure that no one could hear. I looked at him with that teasing smile.

"ABOUT TIMEEE" I said yelling and he quickly had his hand over my mouth.

"Shhhhh" He said and I nodded.

"But I'm gonna need your help setting up everything because I'm not good with this stuff you know that already. Also I just want to say thank you, because without you I wouldn't have been able to meet the love of my life. The moment she walked through that door I knew she was mine. So thank you Niny, I owe you a lot" he said with such a cheesy smile and I can really tell he loves her in his eyes.

"Awww, you should say all that to her" I said touching my heart in aw.

"Oh that's not all, I'm gonna say a lot." He said smiling.

"So what did you need me to do" I asked and Yoongi just told me he wants to go to a private dinner with her and needed some tips on how to do everything which I did, now we just had to wait till tomorrow.

We both made our way back down. Everyone gave us weird looks when me and Yoongi came down together.

"What? Why are you looking at us like that" I said rolling my eyes while going to sit down.

"Why were you two together?" Namjoon said.

"Nothing" I said and went back to eating. I looked at Jubee and she looked pissed. Is she really going to pissed that I came down with Yoongi when the real reason is because he wants to be with her. She's so dumb, thinking I would take him from her. Is that who she think I am? I laughed it off.

I got out of my seat since everyone was acting like something happened with me and Yoongi. I went to my room.

Jubee's POV
I saw Niny and Yoongi came down together. What if Yoongi really doesn't love me? He does have the right to go for other girls as we're not really dating. I got out of my seat and went to the bathroom.

I started crying, why? It's not like we're dating but I really love him. I'm just over reacting and assuming when I should've talked to Niny. I heard a knock on the door.

"Jubee can I come in" I heard taehyung say. I let him in.

"Why are you here" I said crying. He held me in his arms.

"I'm pretty sure they did nothing jubee" he said rubbing my back. Everything was suppose to be perfect. Just me and him. Everything was fine, why hasn't he told me that nothing happened yet.

"Well he didn't say anything yet" I said crying. Taehyung was hushing me while holding me and telling me it was okay. It really wasn't, but taehyung here made me feel a bit better.

So many thoughts went in my head, Niny walked away? Why? Why hasn't Yoongi said anything to me? Is something really going on? It doesn't make sense. Niny would never do anything she loves... idk who she loves. I was too attached to Yoongi. I need to quit it.

"Jubee" taehyung said as I was calming down.

"Hm" I said going into more of his arms as I was getting comfortable. His arms felt good. He pushed me away a little to look at me eye level.

My heart started beating. Why? Quit it taehyung. This will ruin everything more. He just sat there staring at me. Shouldn't he be Yoongi? Comforting me.

"What? Is there something on my face" I said. He shook his head no and leaned closer. My eyes immediately widened. What is he doing nooooo. My mind said no don't do it but my lips didn't follow.

I just sat there as he came closer. And our lips touched. We kissed passionately. What am I doing? This is so dumb.

Taehyung's POV
I leaned closer into her face and our lips touched. We kissed passionately. I've always been in love with jubee but Yoongi always took her away. He always took the chance from me. This was my only chance and I didn't want it to go this way but it did.

She kissed back which I smiled about through the kiss. This went on for quite a while until she broke it off. She ran out of the bathroom. While I sat there dumbfounded.

I didn't get to tell her I love her. Does she love me back? Why did she kiss me back? Was it because she was hurt?

I got up fast and went to find her so we could talk. But I saw her with Yoongi and they were going upstairs together.

Jubee's POV
I ran out of the bathroom, I was crying again. I'm so dumb. When I ran out, Yoongi stopped me and started dragging me upstairs.

"Let me go" I said mad as I tried to yank my arm away. He wouldn't let go.

"Stop it Yoongi fucking let go" I said crying.

"NO JUBEE" he yelled at my face. I got scared as I be never seen him mad.

"WHY" I said. He was about to say something but taehyung interrupted.

"She said fucking let her go, your hurting her dumb fuck" Taehyung said giving a death glare to Yoongi.

"Why the fuck are you up in our business" Yoongi said letting go of my arm.

"Your hurting a girl, it's my business" he said straightforward. Why is taehyung like this, he should just leave me alone. Yoongi started punching taehyung in the face.

"HEY QUIT IT WHAT THE FUCK" I said yelling.

"NAMJOOOONNNN" I yelled because I couldn't stop them. Namjoon came out of his room fast and came.

"What the fuck is going on" he said as he came towards Yoongi and taehyung fighting. He pulled them apart.

"You two separate right now" Namjoon said angry.

"I am so disappointed in you two" he said as they both walked in different directions.

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