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Niny's POV
My heart was twisting and turning as I listened to hoseok and jimin. They really love me? It was unbelievable.

"Niny why are you up?" Hoseok said shocked.

"Did you not want me up" I said confused.

"Well, I- I was waiting to tell you. Did you hear everything" he said and I nodded. I didn't know how to feel, I know I think like this all the time but what am I suppose to do when such amazing two guys love you.

"Niny you don't have to answer us now but until then your gonna have to choose" Jimin said. Why? Who said I was choosing?

"I have an idea, Niny since there is about only two months left, you can spend that time deciding who your going to choose, either choose or choose none. But you have two months to decide, and they will show you there best to you. Starting from today, Niny" Namjoon said and everyone agreed but I was still speechless. How are they deciding on this when they were exposed because of me and Namjoon, and then I got punched by hoseok, and not they just confessed and now I just have two months to choose?

"I know you think you'll hurt one of her but the boys agreed that they will accept on who you choose to be with. They won't be upset or anything, since they love you a lot they will accept who you will choose" Namjoon said and hoseok and jimin smiled while nodding. This is so much too handle, how am I even breathing still.

"Uh ok.." I said.

"I'll be the best man for you" Jimin said smiling.

"Me too, let's see how it goes for these two months" hoseok said smiling and I looked away blushing. This is hard, they both are everything to me and I didn't want to ruin any relationships.

"Stop thinking negatively Niny, we will always love and accept you" Jimin said. How'd he know?

"WERE HERE" Taehyung said. And I looked at him confused?

"Where are we?" I said.

"At our new cabin" Jin said and I was shocked, that's why we're on the bus. Since the incident with Namjoon happened we had to go to a new cabin.

"This one is way more private, no one knows it exists except for us and bang pd made sure of it, and the incident got cleared out of the way" Namjoon said assuring me and I nodded.

We went out and I saw the cabin, it was really private, everything was blocked outside, covered in trees and everything. The cabin was way bigger and fancier, was it even a cabin anymore? It was still made of wood, and had a bigger pool in the back, it was perfect. I liked this one better but we made a lot of memories at the other cabin too.

"Hey I'm gonna start taking pictures on my new Polaroid and make a huge poster picture for us" jungkook said and I told him it was a great idea so we could save our great memories. I was suddenly sad as one month has already passed and the issue with jimin and hoseok.

"Niny I'm so sorry about punching you" hoseok said standing by me as we were entering the cabin.

"It's okay hoseok, you were angry I know but please don't get violent again" I said.

"I promise I won't" he said sticking his pinky out for me to link with. And I hooked my pinky on his and smiled.

"Thank you" I said and we were deciding on rooms again.

"This place now has 9 rooms so there can be one for each one of us. I told bang pd to get one with 9 rooms since I don't want hoseok and jimin fighting over Niny" Namjoon said and I thank him as I was getting tired of going back and forth.

"But I wanna stay with Yoongi" Jubee said pouting.

"You can still sleep with me, just leave that room alone" Yoongi said pulling jubee closer by the waist.

"Awwww I envy you guys" I said looking at them.

"She's perfect ha" Yoongi said and I saw jubee blushing. I was so happy to see jubee happy, she is my other half forever.

I went to a room upstairs, what really bothered me is that hoseok, jimin, and namjoon took the upstairs bedroom too while the rest stayed in the downstairs room.

"I'm right next to you niny if you need anything" Jimin said and I smiled at him while nodding. He is really the sweetest guy ever I thought.

"Niny come down and help me cook" Jin said.

"OKAY MOM" I yelled so he could clearly hear what I was saying and I walked downstairs. I went towards the kitchen and I asked what we were planning on cooking.

"Well let's make some bulgogi and ramen" Jin said and I nodded. We both started cooking on food. Jubee never knows how to cook, when does she have the time anyways she's always sleeping. The food smelled so good. It was almost ready so I told everyone to gather.

"Wow it smells so good, Niny really knows how to cook" jungkook said smelling the food.

"Hey, I do too" Jin said smacking his arm.

"Yeah but rarely a girl ever cooks for us" jungkook said chuckling and I laughed. I set everything up for everyone and put the food on the table. We started eating. Jin just loves telling his dad jokes, jungkook chocking on the food while taking Jin's food (y'all know this from bob voyage season 3 🤣).

After dinner, we decided to play same card games as it's been kinda long since we have. We were playing uno. It was me, jubee, and taehyung left playing. I had one card left.

"AHAHAHAHA" I said putting down the card.

"UNO AHAHAHAHA YOU DIDNT WIN" Jubee said and I gave her the death glare as I forgot to say uno.

"Your fault" she said laughing. In the end jubee won of course. If I hadn't been so dumb. We all had good laughs and fun and got ready for bed. Each room had a bathroom so it was fine.

I went to go take a long shower as I loved the hot steamy water, I just love showering aha. After showering I got ready, I wore big black sweat pants with a white crop top, it didn't show my tummy as much since the sweatpants was high up.

I was putting my shirt on when someone suddenly came in.

"Woahh" He said.

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