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Niny's POV

"What the hell? Get outtt" I said whining as jimin started slowly started closing the door and saying sorry. I felt so embarrassed as I was practically naked on my upper body, and Jimin just saw. I went to bed thinking about how the past two months are gonna go, and my heart started beating like crazy. Jimin or Hoseok? I said over and over in my head slowly falling asleep. 

Suddenly, I heard a loud horn being blown. 

"CHILDREN WAKE UP" I heard Jin yelled as he kept blowing the loud horn. If you didn't know I never like being waken up, if I am I swear i'm the crabbiest person in the world. I get out of my bed and open the door and see Jin there in the hallway blowing the horn and I stomped towards Jin and grabbed the horn and blew it in his ear and threw it on his face and walked back to my room. I was so mad aha.  

"I made niny mad go comfort her" I heard Jin say through the door. Who was he talking to? Then someone came through the door, it was Hoseok. He was smiling at me while I was laying down still pissed. He closed the door and came to me and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, you okay?" Hoseok said giving me such a sweet smile, his voice was still husky and deep. (OOf yall ive always be talking about how amazing and sexy his fucking voice would be in the morning oof). 

"You know I don't like being waken up" I said giving a death glare. 

"I know" He said chuckling. 

"I'll make sure Jin won't do it again" He said assuring me with a smile again. 

"Get up, let's go eat you need to eat" He said grabbing my arms and pulling me up. I didn't wanna get up so I started whining. 

"Ugh I don't wanna get up" I said whining. He let go of my arms so my body fell freely back on the bed and I pulled the covers over, a second later I felt hoseok started to carry me bridal way. 

"Stopppp what are you doing" I said and I started ruffling hoseok's hair. Not gonna lie he looked so hot with no makeup, messy hair, with a husky voice oof. 

"Get up or i'm gonna have to carry you down stairs myself" He said and I instantly got off his arms and stood up. We went downstairs and ate breakfast with the others, they were all waiting for us. How are they up, it's like 6 in the morning. I'm even surprised Jubee is up. 

"Were going to this private mall, we always wanted to go but never got the chance since it was too far, but were pretty close by it. So, were going today" Namjoon said and we all agreed. We got in the van after eating breakfast, on the way there I was just enjoying the moment, how life is just great with the boys and all except for the fact that in two months i'm gonna have to make a huge decision, I decided i'm just gonna go with the flow and see how things goes. 

"Were here childrens lets go" Jin said, I chuckled and we all went out. This mall was extremely private, and the reason why is because it was a very popular mall. It was so popular that it had to be private, it was a place only for big celebrities, you had to register to come in this mall. We got inside, and everyone went there separate ways, while I went with jubee. We LOVE shopping, i'm telling you LOVE it. 

It was about time we hung out together just the two of us, as it's been quite a while since we got alone time. We both went inside a store that looked most appealing to us. We love aesthetics you know. 

We started picking out so many clothes, and trying them on. We ended up buying like the whole store. We went to so many stores together, trying on so many clothes, and buying so many clothes. 

"Niny, have you thought about how you feel between hoseok and jimin. I know it's been hard but they really love you" Jubee said and I thought about it but I still didn't know. I wanted to get closer and know them more. 

"No, I told myself i'd go with the flow and plus I want to get to know them more" I said to her and she nodded. 

"So you and yoongi?" I said and she instantly started smiling. 

"Are you guys dating like omg just date already" I said chuckling and rolling my eyes. 

"I wish, but no were not. Were taking it slow first" She said chuckling. I can see the love in her eyes, I hope to feel that way soon. She fell for yoongi hard. The way her cheeks turned pink, her eyes squinting, her squealing, her smiling non stop, the butterflies she must feel, and the heart beating rapidly. I want that. 

"Come on we've been walking a lot, let's go get something to eat and then find the boys" She said smiling and I nodded. We went to the food area. I already saw the seven pigs there with whole bunch of food. 

"You guys are eating without us" I said with a pout. They all had there attention towards us now with there mouth stuffed and i laughed. How stupid they looked, it was cute. 

"Sorryyyy, come eat with us" Namjoon said getting out of his chair and pulling us to eat. 

"I was just joking, me and jubee were gonna get our own food" I said removing namjoon's hands. 

"So you guys were gonna eat without us" Jin said with a death glare.

"Oh come on you don't get to do that, your already eating without us" I said chuckling. 

"JIMIN IS THAT YOU" I heard a girl say. 

"Tina?" Jimin said confused looking at the girl, I turned around and looked at her. 

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