Chapter Twentyone: Nina.

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I'm tired. Like really fucking tired. It's currently 12:34 am and I'm on my roof, looking up at the stars. Sometimes I wish I could be a star. Not because I wanna die, but because It looks so peaceful.

Our teacher had told us to write down our deepest thoughts on a paper and then read it loud to the class. Everyone was gonna write a name on a paper and give it to the teacher. The person who got the most votes, were gonna start. My name got picked and I really didn't want to go first, but what to do you know? Gotta have good grades.

I have to sleep I thought as I jumped down to my balcony and in through the window. Jacob was laying peacefully on his bed and I couldn't help but smile. I laid down beside him and laid my head on his chest. His heart beats made me fall asleep pretty quickly.

Later in the morning: 08:40 am.
"Nina" Jacob said as he shook me. "Ninaaaa" He said again a bit louder and I groaned. "Whaaaat" I grumped and slowly opened my eyes. "You have to get up, you're gonna be late for school" He said and I scuffed. Stupid school. Yeah I know I said I gotta have good grades but everyone hates the morning, I mean come on.

I put on my clothes and holding Jacob's hand we got on to the bus together. I can't wait til I turn 18, so I can buy my own car.

Nina's outfit ^

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Nina's outfit ^

So I got into class and waited for the teacher to show up. I really didn't want to do this first. Damn.

The teacher finally showed up after 5 minutes.
"Yes miss?"
"Are you ready to perform?"

People laughed at my answer but I was serious.
Before some deep breaths I finally stood up and swallowed a few times before starting to talk.

"Well, on my paper I wrote about Peace. To be exact, after death. I'm terrified of death. I mean who isn't? The thought of not existing anymore makes me so scared. Like what happens? Do the good people go to heaven and the bad to hell? Do we become spirits or ghost? To we become what we believe in? I don't know, you don't know, nobody knows. And we won't ever know. Death terrifies a lot of people, and I want you to know that it's okay to be scared. It's okay to be afraid. I am too, even tho I never show, I am. Like at night by myself I think about death. Never when I'm with friends, which is why I'm never alone now. Everyone will die at one point in their life. There's not a single person who won't. And I want you to know that it's okay. You're never alone, no matter if you feel like you are, you aren't. You're never alone. People go through the exact same shit you got through yesterday let's say, or today, maybe even worse. Never feel alone, it's the last thing you should do. Love, live and respect life at the moment. Because I want you to feel like you've lived your fullest. Peace."

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt tears run down my cheeks.

Everyone in class stood up and clapped their hands and I started to laugh. Just then Jacob came into my class and kissed my cheek and hugged me tight. I smiled and thanked everyone.

I'm really tired, I just wanna fall asleep in Jacob's bed.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in like a week but I've had so much going on. I'll be on more now a days.
😚 xoxo

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