Chapter 22. Nina.

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Hi. I'm back. A lot have been going on so that's why I haven't wroten for like, what, 6 months? (More like 10 bitch). Anyways, hope you enjoy this comeback. 


I just fucking graduated. Like do you believe that shit? I'm 19 bitches and I am ready for the best life EVER. 

So a lot has happened. Jacob moved to China cause he was made in China. 



No but seriously, we are great friends so I'm happy. 

Nathan kind of left with this new chick he found. 

Alex, well I haven't heard from him since that night. He blocked me on insta by the way, great huh? 

And Bella, well, I know she told me to text her if I wanted to but seriously I haven't had the time. Plus why should I call? She didn't even explain to me. 'Personal stuff' my ass, if you are best friends you should be able to tell each other everything and that's just the way it is. No more then that. 

I'm currently working at this club called Blue Box, which is great. Have been working here for a few months now. I work with this other guy called Ben. Ben fixes the drinks and flirts with the ladies pretty much. I serve them and fix the music. Start at 10 PM and get home around 6,7 AM. And Ben starts at 9 to fix everything ready for the night. Perfect.

Ben is a nice guy. He's very charming and is great to work with. Our club is full like everyday so it's pretty hard to talk to him alone, but sometimes we actually do talk and he is pretty funny.

I've grown up and turned into a woman if I can say so. Before I didn't care about anything and everything was a mess. Now I've turned my life around and I am very good at what I'm doing actually. Just living my best life. 

At the moment I'm dreaming and soon to be woken up by my alarm that I did set for 4 PM since I got home at 7 AM. 

If you're wondering  ''why did she set alarm at 4 when she start work at 10'' Well, I'm meeting up with a friend. Her name is Alli and she is a sweetheart. We're gonna go shopping since I haven't had any free time lately, just working and sleeping, not going out or anything so this will be great to just cool off I guess. 

BEEP             BEEP              BEEP . 

''SHUT UUUUUUUPPPP'' I moaned and threw my pillow at it aaaaaaaaaand completely fucking missed. Like really God, really? Today? Today's the day to fuck with me? 

My phone started to ring and my alarm went off. All of this is just happening so fast. 

I picked up my phone and put it to my ear as I started standing up and walking towards my alarm. 

''Hi girl'' I said and ran around like a chicken to first get my pillow back to my bed, then go to my alarm to turn it off and say ''WHAT?'' all the time to Alli because I didn't hear shit and then going to the bathroom. 

Why did I set the alarm 1 hour before? I don't know. 

''Yo did you just wake up?'' she laughed and I started to laugh with her. ''Yeah you could say that. And I am stressed because I set the alarm one hour before. I don't know why. I can't talk right now though, see you in an hour. Bye girl.'' 

''Okay bye.''

I got into the shower and showered off negative energy, sweat and you name it. After that I was putting on my clothes. Some ripped jeans with white shoes and a white shirts with blue and red things on it? (Think what outfit you like lmao) 

My makeup got done and I was just about to leave just when my phone rang. 



''Ben? Why are you calling? Is everything okay?''

''Yes I was just wondering, what time is it?''

''What? You can watch it on your phone you know? But it's  5 PM in 10 minutes''

''Oh, okay. Thanks. See you later today. Bye.''

And then he hung up.

What the fuck? I thought. Anyway. I took my keys to my car and left my house. Oh yeah I moved to a house, not living with my parents no more no. 

I drove through my city and listened to high music and smoked weed. Life is great here. 

I parked and went and sat on a bench waiting for Alli. Then I saw her, but she wasn't alone. 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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