Marry who?

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[y/n] sits outside in the courtyard looking at the white puffy clouds as Alice plays with rose in the open wide field "even the cloud are beautiful.." starring at the clouds with her [E/C] and she plays with her [H/C] slowly looking behind her she glances at the two people who is bodyguard till further notice *who in the world are theses people..* looking at her sister she sees the four, two  bodyguards for her sister rose and Alice "[y/n]?" Snapping out her thoughts "yes?" Turning she sees a guard shading there "you're father the king asks for you to meet with you're new fiancé" while the guard walks away the princess stands up growling shocking her two sisters "[y/n] don't do anything rash here.." [y/n] turn to rose and scoffs at her "you think you have any right to tell me this? I want to go out and explore see the world rose! Mom did exactly th-" "and where is she now [y/n]?!" She stops in her sentence and looks down "mother had a better life than anyone of us here..she actually did something rose" Rose sits on the Cobblestone bench and stares at her older sister with pity "[y/n] I'm sorry but I agree with father..." [y/n] grabs her shoes and puts them on "well unfortunately right now I can care less what you say..." [y/n] walks away and Levi stares in shock at her and hange looks the same as she walks past of them with her head held high but a few tears slip from her bright [e/c] eyes "you don't need to follow.." Levi and hange walks behind her and [y/n] turns to them "you don't need to walk back there I treat everyone the same..please come next to me" Levi and hange look at each other and follows the princess direction "we must follow you for main reason you're hi-" "[y/n] just [y/n]" hange nods at her "[y/n] we must follow you for security reasons here" [y/n] nods and continues to walk till she comes up to a oak door and she places her hand on and slowly pushes open to show a man {man in photo ^^} "oh hello you must be the beautiful princess! My name is Gaston" gaston smiles and [y/n] cringe "oh my name is princess [y/n] it's nice to meet you sir" Gaston kisses her hand "oh I see you're going to be wife material" Levi and hange stand on each side of door watching and Levi slowly feel hatred towards this man "please sit my princess" [y/n] slowly sits in the seat "so I'm sure we will be sleeping together correct?" You look up at him with disgusted "excuse me?" Gaston smirks "you heard me you're highness I'm sure we will have at least seven puppy's" [y/n] stand up quickly "oh excited are we?" Gaston stands up and walks over "if you're that way let's get married tomorrow" [y/n] takes her hand away "no I will not now get out" she turn away from him "oh you don't mean that..I'll let you think about that!" Gaston starts to walk and Levi glares at him from across the room "what's wrong Levi? Have a crush?!" He looks at hange "no he is just a asshole that is all" "mmmm sure shorty!" [y/n] watch's as Gaston leaves and she hears her father come in "[y/n] why is gaston leaving?!" She crosses her arms "I will not marry that scum father!" The king slams his hands on the table "you will and I take no as a answer [y/n]! "But father!" The king look at her in disgust "I will not repeat myself! I want you to sleep now go.." the king sits in the chair and [y/n] runs out of the room holding her dress up leaving Levi and hange behind "go to her you two" Levi and hange runs after the princess. the king looks at white doves in a bird cage "she's just like her mother..wanting adventure but I can't let my daughters go..they are like the only three white birds and I must keep them locked matter the cost" the king stares out the window...[y/n] runs past her sisters and into the room and lays on her bed crying "no I will not marry him!"
~later that night~
Levi leaves his room and walks out into the court room and stops as he hears singing "tch  what the hell.." walking up to it he stops as he sees [y/n] sitting in front of the wall with her left hand on it her [f/c] nightgown around her
~few minutes before Levi came out~
[y/n] sticks her head out of her bedroom door and signs softly "are the all gone?" She walks down the hallway to the courtyard "I can't believe it the wife of the stubborn brainless person!" She makes it out in the bright blue moon lighting up the grass

~back to present~
Levi watch's as [y/n] picks herself on the floor "oh mother I wish you were here..." hearing footsteps [y/n] turns around to see Levi "o-oh it's you..I'm sorry I went running like that" Levi watch's her and Tchs "it's fine brat..but who was you're mother if you don't mind me asking?" [y/n] signs softly "her name was's was a Alora meaning dream.." Levi feels his body stiffen and walks over to the young princess pulling her into a hug "w-what are you doing sir?" Levi shakes his head and remembers alora dying in his arms from saving himself
Levi ran across the roof quickly slicing a titans neck "Tch disgusting.." Levi was so focused on killing titans he didn't see one come from behind him "CAPTAIN!" Feeling a push he turns and see alora in a titans grasp "Cadet!" He run and slices the hand off as well of slicing the nape of it than running over to alora I'm the ground blood pooling around her body "why would you do that?!" She smiles at him and coughs blood up "it's ok..I've made my dreams come true sir...thank you le-" Levi watches as the life gets drained out of her body and picks up "I'm so sorry.." he turns and brings her body back to the walls
~end of flashback~
"Alora.." [y/n] eyes widen and looks at Levi into his gray eyes and he looks in her [e/c] "why do you say it as if you knew her?" Levi signs running a hand threw his hair "I know her [y/n] because she was my cadet in the survey corps..she gave her life for me"

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