A strange voice

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The next few days went by [Y/N] In a blur as she still remember the white panther demanding the squad to hand over her and her sisters "[y/n] are you alright" rose says softly as she walks up to [y/n] "I'm alright, just thinking" she sighs softly and rose smiles "wanna spar?" [y/n] grins and stands up "heck yea but don't get mad if I kick your butt"
They both was out of the headquarters and make their way into the grass passing other cadets sparing till their heats content "ready?" Rose asks and [y/n] nods as Rose throws a punch at her but she side doges it and [y/n] kicks her leg up knocking rose back but [y/n] does not see the Rose left hand strike her in the face "Ack!" Red blood spills onto the floor from the corner of her mouth "Oh god [Y/-" rose gets cut off as [y/n] side kicks her and grabs her right arm twisting it "Ok ok" rose says quickly wincing in pain "damn your really good [y/n]"
"[y/n] is really growing huh?" Erwin says whole he watches the cadets train "yes she has" Levi says as he doesn't pay attention to anyone but [y/n] "I'm proud of her" Erwin softly smiles "I've never heard you say you are proud of a cadet..she's special huh?" "I guess you could say that"
"Come on, let's go get water cause I'm dying from this heat!" Rose walks away from [y/n] and she starts to follow rose till she sees a figure behind the trees "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah" a soft beautiful voice is heard from the hooded figure *is that..the white panther?" [y/n] starts to go towards  the hooded figure but they disappear when she blinks *what..*   "[y/n]! Come on!" Rose yells out and [y/n] shakes her head as she runs over to rose and Alice but that hooded figure is still in her head.
~A few days later~
[y/n] POV
I saw that hooded figure a few days ago but ever since I saw that person I keep hearing that beautiful melody "Sigh.." I sigh softly as I hear it again "Ah-ah-ah-ah" the voice sounds closer but I know it isn't "hey [y/n]!" Hange walks into the library and I look up "yes?" I ask as I notice the stack of the paper in her hand "can you take this to Levi?" I nod as I stand up "of course" "why are you in a night gown?" I stare at her in shock at How big of air head she is.."it's 10 hange I'm reading by myself" I say as I take the papers into my arms "oh duh! Okie thanks [y/n]! She runs down the hallway and I pick up my candle as I walk towards Levi's office but I stop in my footsteps "Ah-ah-ah" I look behind me and I turn back around
♪ I can hear you but I won't
I continue my walk down the hallway but I hear it again and I look out the window
♪ Some look for trouble while others don't
I sigh softly as I think about what my life has been up till now
♪ ah-ah-ah-ah
♪ There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day
I look at the lit up flame on my candle but I pause I the light flickers softly
♪ And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away, oh oh oh
I stop in front of Levi office and I don't hear the voice anymore "Levi? I have a few papers for you.." I softly open the door and I pause as I see him at his desk fast asleep *oh he's asleep..* I walk into the room softly closing the door and I make my way into the room placing the paper on the far end of the desk but I take a glance at his sleeping face *he looks so peaceful..* I smile softly as my heart beats slightly faster, I place a blanket over his shoulders that I grab off the couch *night Levi.." I softly close the door but my breath stops "Ah-Ah-Ah" and I growl softly as I walk down the hallway covering my arms with my hands
♪ You're not a voice
You're just a ringing in my ear
And if I heard you, which I don't
I say quickly as I hold up my hand as I walks faster
♪ I'm spoken for I fear
I softly sigh as I look down at my necklace
♪ Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls
I say angrily 
♪I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls
I place the candle on a table in the dining hall
♪ I've had my adventure, I don't need something new
I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
I think about how my life was till now and I walk over to the oak doors
♪ Into the unknown
I open the doors quickly
♪Into the unknown
I look around in the yard for the voice
♪Into the unknown
I run into the woods as I hear the voice louder
"Ah ah oh oh Ah ah oh oh oh oh"
I stop panting heavily as I look around the lake
♪ What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake
Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?
I look down at my hands sadly knowing how my power has been getting harder
♪ Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?
Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?
I say softly while look up at the bright stars
♪ Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow
Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go...
I look into the water reflection seeing my animals form state back at me
♪ Into the unknown?
I splash the water softly making my reflection turn normal
♪Into the unknown
Into the unknown
"Ah ah oh oh Ah ah oh oh"
I smile as I look around hearing the voice near me
♪ Are you out there?
Do you know me?
Can you feel me?
Can you show me?
I turn a circle looking for the where the voice is coming from
♪ Ah ah oh oh
Ah ah oh oh
"Ah ah oh oh "Ah ah oh oh
♪ Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
"Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh
♪" Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
♪"Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
I stop as I hear the voice fading and I panic softly
♪ Where are you going?
Don't leave me alone
How do I follow you
Into the unknown
I fall into the grass as I no longer hear the voice anymore
"[y/n].." I gasp turning around quickly but my [E/C] lands on the hooded figure I saw all those days ago "who are you?!" I say standing up growling at them but all they do is take off their hood and my eyes widen as tears well up into my eyes as black hair flows down their back and I stare into their pale eyes "Mom.." 


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