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[y/n] slowly groans as she hears a knock on her door and she lifts up her head "hello?.." outside her door she hears a a soft voice on the other side "sister it's time for our training, you must get up" [y/n] hears Alice's voice on the other side as she slowly gets up and gets dressed "Oh alright I'll be down soon!" [y/n] brushes her hair and pulls it up into a bun, she than pull on her beautiful neckless *i hope this training will help today* [y/n] opens her oak door and walks out her boots clicking on the ground.
~Roses POV~
*god this woman where is she* i watch as captain Levi starts to get annoyed with each passing second "Ah I'm here!" I turn my head and sign out in relief as [y/n] running onto the field "were have you been cadet!?" Levi growls at her and [y/n] reply back softly "I was sleeping sir" I groan out loud but me, Alice and [y/n] stand in a line and waits for instructions. Erwin walks up and clears his throat "you three are the last hope for humanity and we will be testing to see if you can transform...however you will be outside the wall while we watch from the top wall" Me and the girls feels are blood run cold and we slowly nod "Yes sir!"
~time  skip~
No one POV
The girls follow their teachers threw the heavy crowded streets [y/n] plays with her necklace and Alice looks ahead while rose slowly breathes "alright girls, we are here!" The three girls looks up at the huge gate and they watch Levi, hange and Erwin get off their horses "wait Levi!" [y/n] blushes and she looks at him with her [E/c] eyes "thank you for helping me..erm us for everything, Well try out best" Levi nods at [y/n] and smiles a little as he climbs up the wall "alright girls ready?" Alice and rose nods as [y/n] grins "lets do this yea?".
The gates slowly open and the girls looks at the wall slowly come down and [y/n] looks at it with determination in her eyes "alright let's go!" They wipe the rein and the horses runs out onto the bright green colored grass and rose and Alice eyes lights up with fascination "I know I was in love at first sight" [y/n] looks back at the wall to see many cadets with Levi hange and Erwin "Get off the horses" rose and Alice looks [y/n] at her worried but they fight against asking as titans start to run towards them "ok [y/n] let's hope you are right!"
The girls slide off their horses and Levi eyes widened slightly and hange slowly feels her heart beat going faster "the hell are they doing?!" Levi growls and Erwin puts out his head "trust them, they know what they are doing". The girls high five each other and they start to run towards the titans a far distance from each other.
Alice pov
I run towards the titans and I feel my head beat faster and my hair whipping around my face *oh god! They are getting to close..! MOTHER HELL ME CHANGE!* I feel a loud snap in my body and my hair pin glows and bright light surrounds me.
Rose Pov
I feel my breathing go faster and I slowly breathe in and out *please work..give me my power to protect the people I love!* i watch as I run closer to the titans with their wide smiles *MOTHER SHOW ME MY POWER!* my eyes change from my natural brown color to a bright green color and my ring starts to glow till I get surrounded by a bright light.
[y/n] POV
*Panting and my legs are so sore but I must do this!* I start to think about becoming the animal I was..the monster I was..no I can't *no I cannot be another monster I shake my head and my [e/c] glows a green *no I will not be a monster! I will help  humanity!!* i feel my body glow and I get surrounded by a bright light.
No one POV
Levi hange and Erwin watch's as they run but each one of the girls gets surrounded by a bright light "what is this..it's beautiful! Hange watch's in amazement.. the light slowly goes away and the three solders watch's in amazement "now there is our hope for humanity Levi!" Erwin smiles as the light fully goes away and once where Alice stood a beautiful huge white tiger was running at full force of the titans taking out each one of the disgraced creatures on the left flank, the spot where rose was running a glorious black huge cheetah stands running so quickly you could miss it, Rose slashes and attacks every titans from the right flank, lastly where [y/n] once stood a blue and gray lion runs up to the titans taking each one out vin the middle. Levi's eyes widen in shock at the lion and he feels his heart beats faster, once the three animals cleaned the titan away from the earth they all turns to to the wall and they looks at each other "So Levi?" Levi nods his head "what?" The three feline slowly let out a small but loud ferocious roar while the stand on the hide legs "you think there is hope?" Hange and Levi watch the princess and protectors of the walls "without a question.."

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