The white bird flys..

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~the kingdom~
Rose sits on the chair in the dinning room and she glances at [y/n] "'s been 2 days since [y/n] name has came out at all, I worry father" the king looks at his second oldest daughter with a slight sadness in his eyes and leans back in his chair " yes, you are correct my daughter..Abby may you go and bring that child down her!" Abby yelps softly and nods "yes sir!" Walking out of the room she climbs the stairs To [y/n] room and knocks "you're highness you're family request for you to be down there.." hearing no response Abby slowly opens the door to a empty bedroom with some [H/c] on the floor "MY LORD!" Screaming loudly she runs down stairs and into the dinning room "my lord...[y/n] she's gone! Just her hair on the floor!". The lord stands up quickly and walks to the horse stable seeing [H/n] missing and he growling loudly "I want this entire kingdom swept! I want my daughter back home, even the survey corps! I want her home!" Turning the guards nods and gets to to work finding the princess and rose stares at the empty horses pin "oh [y/n] what did you do...?"
~The survey corps~
The loud sound of horse steps wakes up the sleeping princess In her chair "mmm what in the world?" Getting up her cold feet hit the wooden floor and she walks over to the window "Oh no.." seeing the castle guards she quickly backs from the window and jumps slightly as she hear a knock at the door "ah coming!" Walking over she sees hange "oh hello hange can I help you?.." Hange glasses glint slightly as she pulls [y/n] hand "I heard from captain shorty you killed more then him the first time in! You're coming with me out of the walls to get more babies!" Retracting her hand back [y/n] looks at hange with a weird look "babies? You mean titans??" Hange nods so fast her head might fall off "yes yes they are babies after all! Anyway be ready in five minutes and meet me by the gate!" Running off [y/n] signs softly as she goes out of the doors stopping when she sees the guards talking to Levi and Erwin "tch what are you looking  at brat?" [y/n] shakes her head and continues walking over to the stables "oi! I'm talking to you!" Walking into the stables Levi stares at her with a icy stare "I-I'm sorry captain but I got to meet hange in five minutes.." pulling her horse out and putting the saddle on "Tch don't get killed brat.."Turing he walks out and back over to the guards "Ok [h/n] let's finally get out of this bird cage yea?" Pulling her self on she kicks the side of feet into the side of [h/n] to start walking *ok...I'm actually going out side of theses walls even though I broke so many of fathers laws..this is definitely going to take the bet" [y/n] sees hange by the wall and she smiles as she comes closer "ready alora? Just stay by me ok" nodding slowly the gates open and [y/n] stares in shock as hange whips the reins to start her horse to run but [y/n] slowly follows "Hange what is this place?" Hange smiles in response as the wind whips their hair around "well alora, welcome to the outside world!".

White bird {Levi x princess reader}Where stories live. Discover now