Chapter 1: reminiscing

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Song: DKLA

He held out his hand for me to take and I take it in mine. It's not as soft as I once remember. This head over heels admiration for someone I knew, is gone. 


The name of a boy I once loved. It's been really hard for us. Well, me more specifically. He was the first guy I've ever dated once I came out. He doesn't know that, though. We've been together for about 6 months now. He doesn't know I've fallen out of love with him, either. 

I started to notice when his voice started to sound different. It isn't as soft or as gentle than I remember. His touch didn't fill me to the brim with butterflies as it once did. The happiness we once experienced is now just a foggy memory. I miss how it used to be.

"Troye are you feeling okay?" He softly whispers in my ear.

"Yeah sorry I was just lost in thought."

"I can tell." He let out a small laugh. "A place like this can do that to a person."

He was right. The sound of the distant beach waves, warm sand underneath my fingers, the beautiful sun shining down on my freckled face. My happy place in LA. It's May, so it's starting to get warm. We are at a small body of water with a beach surrounding it. There's a small coffee shop across the street accompanied by an ice cream parlor. It was my favorite place to come to as a kid as well as to this day. I often come here to clear my mind.

At my favorite place with my once favorite person. I should tell him my train of thought before it's too late.

I realize I had closed my eyes. I open them to him sitting next to me, staring. He leans in to kiss me. Our lips touch for a fraction of a second before he moves to my jaw, then my neck. Startled, I looked around to make sure no one was around us. This section of the water was quite far off from the main shore. There aren't many people around so I begin to relax.

I felt him start to tug at the bottom of my shirt, signaling to take it off. I grab his hand with mine and he stops kissing me.

"We need to talk," I say to him gently, almost as a whisper. He gives me a concerned look.

"Can we please just enjoy our day off together? It's supposed to thunderstorm later so I want to enjoy the sun while we can."

I pondered for a second before I answered. "Okay," I said preceding to close my eyes once again.

He started to kiss my neck again, moving up slowly to my mouth. It wasn't as full of fireworks as it once was before. He opened his mouth and tried to put his tongue in mine. I didn't budge and he moaned in disappointment. He tried once again and I let him this time, sighing internally. He took control over the kiss. He leaned into the kiss more and started to tug at the hem of my shirt. He rested his hands on my stomach, where my abs should be.

I have been struggling with body issues for as long as I can remember. I'm very skinny for my height and got teased in school for it. I hate when anyone brings it up. Connor never did. I'm also very pale which I am self-conscious of. He said I'm perfect and should never change. I wish I could believe him.

I was so lost in thought that when I started to come back to reality I felt him putting his hands down my pants.

I break away from the kiss and turn my head away from this beautiful boy. A million thoughts going through my mind. "We're in public!" was the most prominent one I said out loud.

"Sorry", he said becoming fidgety with his hands. "I got caught up in the moment. I should have st-" he began to say but was interrupted by a loud sound of thunder. The sun is now covered with grey clouds. It's our cue to get going before we get stuck in the rain. I sigh.

"It's okay. We should get going before it starts to poor." I get up from the once-hot sand and I stick out a hand for him to take. He gets up and he kisses me on the lips once more.

A/N: This is my first fanfiction so please go easy on me! I am open to any suggestions or constructive criticism for my writing.

I have completed this story in full and I will be posting updates every Sunday. Enjoy <3

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