four » how to make over

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Selene yawned as she sat across from her father with Zoë next to her.

Sundays had no dress code, everyone wore their comfortable clothes. Even her dad ditched the suit for some sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt.

Father, daughter Sundays had been a tradition since Selene was born. For the first few years of her life until her mother left, they were spent with her, usually having breakfast at home and playing games. After her mother had left, they spent the morning grocery shopping together and when her father had met Carter, they spent it at iHop grabbing breakfast at twelve thirty PM every week while Carter headed to church and then did some grocery shopping.

She never quite understood why Carter went to church, supporting a God who everyone claimed hated him for the person he loved. Though she was baptised, she couldn't remember ever being part of any religion.

Next to her, Zoë yawned and her father glanced at her over his stack of pancakes, and the various breakfast foods that littered their table, silently asking the girls what time they had gone to sleep.

After finishing another episode, they had been unable to resist seeing what Declan had sent.

He had sent both a message and a picture and they compromised on opening the picture only.

Selene had braced herself as she opened it, while Zoë leaned closer to the phone and they both saw little Declan very obvious and fully clothed in grey sweatpants with one of Declan's hands holding him through the fabric.

She had pretended to gag while Zoë proclaimed up and down that he was a 'fucking bastard'. After, they were forced to watch one more episode to erase the image from their minds before falling asleep at well past three in the morning.

She shrugged in response to her father, cutting into her French toast and picking up a strawberry and a banana slice with it.

She and her father usually pigged out on Sundays, buying most items on the menu (pancakes, waffles, French toast, crepes, omelettes, sausages, scrambled eggs, hash browns, slices of buttered toast and bacon along with some hot drinks) and having Zoë with them just made it worse. They had two of almost everything, some items they had three of.

With a small sigh, Selene gave up trying to calculate how much weight each bite would cause her to gain. The food tasted too good even when she felt the waistband of her tights stretch around her. The meal was almost over anyways, they had been there for well over an hour, most plates empty and the ones left were slightly cold though no one seemed to mind.

Her father swallowed the last of his double blueberry pancakes and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Have you thought about university yet Zoë?" he asked.

She quickly swallowed, nodding quickly. "I'm still waiting to hear back but I have hope," she said. "Just feel kind of bad if I have to leave my parents."

Zoë had a whole plan. She was going to go to Ryerson all the way across the country in Toronto, room with Selene, become an architect and work under people until she could start her own company then get married and have exactly four kids. The only flaw in that plan was that she had been put on the waiting list for Ryerson and Selene had already gotten her acceptance letter. They didn't really talk about that fact.

Her dad shrugged, raising his shoulders up and down as he took a sip of his coffee before making a face as it had gone cold. "It's a part of life for us parents, not the most pleasurable but still we knew it would come one day." He turned to his daughter who instantly pretended to be interested in the last piece of her crepe. "How about you? Any thought into what you want to be?"

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