Don't Leave Me, Do You Still Love Me?

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At 4:13 pm, a notification came up on Jennie's phone, reminding her that Nyua had dance practice at 4:30 pm. Jennie flicked it away and got out of her seat on the couch. Chaeyoung was asleep next to her.

She stared at the 24 year old as her body vibrated will little silent, rumbling, snores.

I guess I should wake her up, she does have a class to teach...

"Chae..." Jennie bent down beside Chae and placed her hand on her smooth, denim covered thigh.

The model repeated the dancer's name, slightly louder than before. Chaeyoung's eyes fluttered open and her pools of colour met Jennie's. The two ladies smiled and Chae sat up.

"You have a class to teach, Younggie" Jennie giggled as the 24 year old rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"I know, thank you for waking me up" Chae yawned got off the couch.

She took Jen's hand and led her to the kitchen where an energetic Nyua sat in her dance clothes. Once the 8 year old spotted them, a smile grew on her bright face.

"Are you sure you two aren't Girlfriend and Girlfriend?" She questions, seeing that the 24 year old's hand was tangled up in her mother's hand.

The girls laughed a bit.

It does look like they are dating, Jennie admits that, and she's totally okay with it! Chaeyoung is the most amazing girl she's ever met.

(Besides Nyua)

But the thing that worried her was the fact that Jennie was a famous model. She had a reputation and image to uphold. She didn't want Chaeyoung to get messed up in the chaos that was her job.

Unfortunately, Jennie can't stop that from happening anymore.

Jennie sighed quietly.

"Come on, I'll drop you both of, let's go" The 25 year old chuckled as Chaeyoung let go of her hand to go pick Nyua up carry her around.

The two younger girls cheered and grabbed their bags before heading out to the car.


"Have fun, You two" Jennie smiled as her daughter and Chaeyoung got out of the car.

The two youngers nodded and walked into the studio, hand in hand.

As Jennie was exiting the parking lot at YG, Jisoo drove in to drop off Lisa. The two models waved at each other then kept driving their separate ways.


When Jennie got back home, she decided to face the internet and see what cyclone of drama has appeared after she and Chaeyoung were saw together.

She went onto Facebook and noticed that a particular link had been shared with her multiple times, even Jisoo shared it with her. She swallowed and clicked on it, unsure on what will pop up.

The article loaded and the picture of Chae and her, the one she posted, was the first thing she saw. She scrolled down and saw a body of text.

It read...

'After a year in the dark, Internationally famous model duo, Jisoo and Jennie Kim, admitted to the #Lisoo rumours, saying that Kim Jisoo and Lisa Manobam actually got married the year before at a private function.'

'The internet was  shocked, but this news will shocked you even more!'

'The second half of the Kim duo, Jennie, was spotted earlier today at her local mall with a girl matching the description of Liso Manoban's dancer partner and close friend, Park Chaeyoung. Jennie then posted a picture of them on her Instagram without a caption, leaving us in suspense. The internet went mad!'

'Jennie has recently explained that she was staying out of the dating game to focus on her adorable daughter, Kim Nyua but, this next info will prove otherwise.'

'The 25 year old Model showed up to pick her daughter at school today and Park Chaeyoung was with her! And that's where the adorable 8 year old might have spilled the beans on the model's possible secret relationship with the young dancer.'

'Were you there? Did you see them? Do you think they are actually together?'

'Let us know!'


Mum points for that afternoon:
Pick child up = 3 pts
Food and water child = 2 pts
Comfort child = 4 pts
Take child to dance class = 3 pts

Total = 12 points for monday afternoon.



The answers will be out this weekend! Don't forget to go back a few chapters and leaving your burning questions on the Q&A post.

Love you all!!




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