It Makes Me Cry

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On a tired Sunday afternoon, Kim Lisa and Park Chaeyoung were on the road, heading to the new YG model studio that opened up.

The famous modeling pair, Kim Jisoo and Jennie, have paired up with YG and now do most of the in studio shoots at the new place.

Thats why the two dancers were heading over there. To visit their beloved girls.

The girls have been in meetings all morning then were sent straight to a shoot for a promotion of a new fashion line from a brand that the Kim's have partnered with twice before.

The dancers knew that the Kim's would be hungry, exhausted and a little loopy so the youngers packed some lunch for them and picked up some coffee from Jeongyeon's cafe.

Jennie always goes on about how great Jeongyeon's coffee was. She gushes dramatically when Chae treats her Nyua to coffee on Saturday mornings. It became a tradition.

"Do you think they'll let us in?" Chae asked, double checking the snack bags that they prepared.

"I sure hope they do. I mean, we are teachers apart of YG, and, the wife and girlfriend of the models, Jisoo and Jennie Kim" Lisa chuckled, keeping her eyes on the road.

"True" Chae exhaled.

Lisa checked the surrounding area and a smile grew on her face.

"There it is! The Modeling building!"


The two dancers got of of Lisa's car and collected the food from the passenger seat.

"Which one is Jisoo's?" Lisa inquired. Chaeyoung opened one of the bags to double check for a chicken and lettuce sandwich, a favorite of the older model.

"Here, its this one" Chaeyoung giggled as she juggled the food and drinks in her thin arms.

"Ta" Lisa fished the bag from her frirnds's grasp.

Chae reposions the food and Coffees in her arms and followed the younger dancer up the small flight of stairs at the front of the new studio.

The two girls entered the fresh smelling, air-conditioned lobby of the studio and Lisa went over to a member of staff to ask where the precious Models were shooting.

The staff member sent the girls down the hall to a room along the left side.

Lisa and Chaeyoung hurried down the hall but before they could get to the photo shoot room, the door to said room opened and two tired looking women exited, muttering about how they needed a nap.

The two women turned and spotted the younger dancers, their arms full of food and coffee.



The dancers smiled and strode over to the other's.

"Hello lovely" Chaeyoung greeted the model. Jennie grinned gently and leaned over to the younger for a kiss. Chae placed a kiss on the older's lips and them handed her the coffee and bag on snacks.

"Thank you" Jennie cooed. Jisoo, who and also kissed and cuddled her wife after receiving her food and drink, invited the couple to join her and Lisa to eat in the spare room.

The 4 ladies opened the door to the spare room and poured in.

Lisa took a seat at the table by one of the fridge and TV that was placed in the room. Jisoo took a seat next to her wife and immediately opened her bag to fish out the sandwich.

Chaeyoung and Jennie sat on the couch on the other side of the TV, by a window. Jennie sipped happily at her coffee and hummed when the bean drink blessed her tastbuds.

Chaeyoung watched her girlfriend with a strong sense of fondness.

Jennie glanced over at her girlfriend and caught her staring.

"Like what you see?" Jen smirked, holding the coffee to her lips. Chae blushed a bit and shifted her gaze to somewhere else.

"Hey." Jen spoke up, trying to get the 24 year old to look at her. It worked and Chaeyoung turned back to face her girlfriend.

Jennie smiled and leaned over, placing a kiss on the younger's lips. Chae kissed back, even if the kiss oy lasted for a few seconds.

Jennie then went back to her coffee.

Chae sighed and looked down at her hands, her face a light shade of pink.

She was In love.

Utterly, head over heels for Jennie.

And seemed like Jennie loved her too.

That made her lucky.

She was the luckest girl in the world.


14 chapters after this one.

Also, expect some time skips. Hopefully no major ones tho... We'll see




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