Chapter Seven

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~Kazumi P.O.V~

"We're here!" I said to them

"Eh!!! this is your house?"they said in unison pointing at my house.

"Oh-uh" I nodded."Why?" I ask them

"Sugoi! Kazumicchi, your house so big." Kise beamed, excited about your house.

"Yeah Ki-chan is right, your house is big." Momoi said too.

"W-what?! no it's just simple." I said. "Come on let's go inside." I open the front gate and enter my house.

"Tadaima" Kuro heard it and began running to me. "Nyan!!" she purred

"hehe i'm home Kuro" she licked me as I stroke her fur.

"Oi Kazumi what's that?" Aomine ask.

"ah, Guys this is my pet cat Kuro" I introduce Kuro as I stood up and fix my clothes

"Waahh Kazu-chan your cat is so cute" Momoi beamed as she strokes the fur of Kuro.

"Yeah and she named it after Kurokocchi's name." Kise added.

"Ki-chan look she looks like Kazu-chan" she held up Kuro to show Kise.

"Waaahh! you're right Momoicchi it looks like her." Kise said as he patted Kuro's head.

"Ah ano ok guys enough of this, Ahm guys feel free at home, you can roam around if you want, just don't open that door." I said as I pointed at the first door.

"Why not Kazu-chin?" Murasakibara ask out of curiosity.

"A-ah... a-ano--"I've been cut off.

"It's her personal space Atsushi" Akashi said, Mura-kun look at me and I nod in agreement.

"Yeah Akashi-kun's right, sorry Mura-kun." I apologize.

"Oh well, if you say so Kazu-chin" Mura-kun said and patted my head lazily.

"okay then, Momoi-chan please follow me to my room." I said. "Oh and if you guys hungry just call me ok?" I added and they nodded.

"Okay let's go upstairs Momoi-chan my room is upstairs." I said and lead the way.


"wow! Kazumi-chan, your room is so big and pretty too, it's like our living room." Momoi exclaim

"i-is that so?, well, thanks for that, you're the first one who said that to me." I said shyly.

"Eh!!!" she shouted.

"Shh!! Momoi-chan please keep quiet." I said to her, and I heard footsteps coming. and suddenly the door of my room opened.

"Oi what happened here?" Aomine said.

"What a troublesome.. too noisy, nanodayo.." Midorima sigh and walk out.

"Ah gomen, it's just Momoi-chan got surprised, that's all." I said to them.

"What??!? is that it? we rushed to go up here, because we heard Satsuki scream, and it's just she got surprise??". Aomine said a bit loudly.

"Aomine-kun please lower your voice. You might disturb the neighbours." Kuroko stabbed his stomach.

"Gaahh!! What was that for?? and when did you get here?" he ask Kuroko.

"Well he's here when you guys entered my room." I explain "and yes that's all Momoi-chan just got surprise. you can all go back." I said "oh you can play basketball downstairs at the last door you can see." I added

"Woah! you have basketball court here?" Aomine ask me.

"Yeah, kind of." I shrugged "Just go we'll be busy for a bit.. bye" I added as I push them outside of my room and close it and of course locked it.

"I'm sorry for that Kazu-chan" she apologize.

"don't apologize Momoi-chan, it's my fault also." I said as I smile at her

"well why did you say that I'm the first one?" she ask I can sense she's curious about it.

"Ahm, you see you guys are the first one to step here in my house, not even my parents, they didn't enter this house, that's why." I explain as I averted my gaze on her

"Really?!? where are your parents now Kazumi-chan?" she ask.

"Yes!, A-ahm, they.. they are not here,.. they are all in America." I lied to her. "Oh I'm sorry but I can't explain for more. you will know it by the time comes.." I said to her.

"Ah it's okay, don't worry about it." she waved her hands.

"Oh please keep this a secret from the others I don't want them to worry." I ask her "And thank you too, you're the first person that I share or show some of my true Identity." I added.

"well, ok Kazu-chan no problem, thanks for trusting me Kazu-chan" She smiles "Okay let's get started! she said and pumped up her fist.

"Ok Momoi-chan" I giggled at her action.

~Time Skip~

"Waah, thank goodness we're done packing" Momoi said wiping her forehead.

"Yes, your right thank you Momoi-chan for helping" I thanked her.

"No problem Kazu-chan, we're best friend, so what are friends for?" she said.

"Right!" I giggled. "why don't we call for the others and gets some snacks." I suggest

"Oh sure I call them" she said

"and I'll prepare the snacks." I said as we go downstairs.

As I prepare the snacks, Akashi leaned on the wall,

"Oh Akashi-kun do you need something?" I ask him.

He shook his head and "No, thank you! I'm here to help you carry those" As he pointing at the trays.

"Oh alright thank you Akashi-kun for your help." I smiled.

"No worries Kazumi" he said as he gets the tray in my hands and headed upstairs.

"Oh wait for me Akashi-kun." I said running with the food in my hands.


"Waaah, thanks Kazumicchi" Kise smiles ear-to-ear with a happy aura.

"Thanks Kazumi" Aomine said while drinking his juice

"Thanks for the food" I heard Kuroko said as he wiped his face with a napkin.

'where did he get those?' they thought it

"Thanks Kazu-chan for inviting us, I enjoyed helping you." She beamed happily.

"Oh welcome Momoi-chan and thank you too." I bowed.

"well guy it's already 6:00 I think we better go home now, we'll be early tomorrow!" Momoi said

"Yeah! alright!!" they said.

"well Kazu-chan see you tomorrow!" she said as they leave

"Thanks for accompanying me here, see you tomorrow guys." I said as I bid farewell to them.

"Yeah see you guys tomorrow!" I mumbled to my self as I close my door and lock it.


♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now