Chapter Sixteen

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~Normal P.O.V~

"You ready Kazumi?" Miya ask.

"yup I'm ready!" You said as you carry your bag, yes today is the day where you are leaving the hospital and going back to your house.

"Ok let's go" she said and opens the door for you.

"Thanks Miya-san for taking care of me and also Tanaka-san" you hug her and she hug you back.

"No worries my dear, you're my best friend's daughter I'll do anything for you." she said and kissed the top of my head as you giggle in her arms.

"ok now, let's go for real" she said as she let you go. "Tanaka is probably waiting for us at the parking lot" she added.

"Yeah, I bet Kuro-nyan misses me a lot." you chuckled and headed to the parking lot with Miya.


"Here we go." Tanaka said as he stops the engine.

"thanks for the ride Tanaka-san!" You thanked him as you go out of the car.

"Any time dear." he said.

"call us if you have problem ok?" Miya said.

"sure thing, don't worry I'll call you right away if anything happens" you assure them.

"Ok Kazumi go inside your house now and rest, don't overdo it by your self." Tanaka said. "Look at the time, we'll be going now sweetie, or we'll be late for work." he added.

"ok bye now!" you bowed and waved for them as they starts the engine and leave.

"Bye sweetie, see you!" Miya shouted outside of the window and waved at you.

You waved until they're gone and sigh as you thought 'what a day, tomorrow I'll be going back to school' and headed to the main door to open it.

"Tadaima!" you said as you entered your house and lock the door.

"welcome home miss Kazumi" Tamaki said while holding Kuro.

"Nyan!" Kuro welcome you as you just nodded

"Miss Kazumi, I already clean the house and fed Kuro, Oh and I finished cooking the food is ready in the kitchen, should I prepare them in the table?" he ask you.

"oh no, no! thank you so much for your help I'll be the one who will prepare the food in the table, I think you should rest for a while." you hesitate.

"No, It's my duty to do all the work here." He said. "and Akashi-sama ordered me to do it." he added.

"Oh ok, if you insist but after you prepare the food you should rest and you can go back to Akashi's." you said to him as you sigh 'well, his like is master, so stubborn.' you thought.

"ok Miss Kazumi" he bow down.

"Tamaki-san, you can call me Kazumi, drop the formalities ok?" you commanded him.

"But---" you cut off him.

"No buts Tamaki-san, you're here in my house, ok it's alright to call me by my name." you reassure him so he'll not call you with 'Miss'.

"ok if you say so" He said.

"ok I'll be in my room, if you're done call me." you said as he nodded and you began to headed to your other room, the first room you don't want to show to others, you always locked it so no one can enter it.

You entered the room as you lock it and scanning the room after you lock and a long sigh escape from your mouth. "how long did I not enter here" you said under your breathe.

You continue scanned the room, the room have posters, anime posters in the walls, every parts of it, no space was seen. Yes you're an otaku but you hid all of it here b'coz it's another thing why people hated you in America. Your thoughts continues to wander around the room but it suddenly interrupts.

"Kazumi, the food is ready." Tamaki called you.

"ok wait, just a sec!" you shouted back.

"Ok Kazumi" he said. You quickly change in to simple clothes and dash out forgetting to lock the room.

"I'm here" you said taking your seat. "You should eat with me." you added.

"No thank you but I'm done already." he refuses.

"ok" you shrugged your shoulders.

~Time Skips~

"Kazumi, I'll be going now, it's pretty late already, you should get some sleep you have busy day tomorrow." Tamaki said while you studying at the dining table.

"ok don't worry this is the last book and after this I'm going to bed, Tamaki-san" you said.

"ok just don't forget to finish your milk in the fridge." he said.

"Ok Tamaki-san, Thanks for your help again." you said as he just nodded. "Ok Bye now, you should rest too." you added.

You stop reading and fix your reading glasses up and look at him as he opens the door and shut it, locking it for you, you stand up from your seat and headed towards the door and checking if he really locked it and it's locked up, you give an exhausted and long sigh as you going back at the dining area and fix your stuffs for tomorrow and headed toward to the fridge and drink up your milk and finish it in one gulped.

"Ah, it's delicious! how did he make it?" you exclaim as Kuro enter in the kitchen.

"Ah Kuro do you want some milk?" You ask your cat and she shake her head up. "I'll take that as a yes." you said as you get her milk in the fridge, you been curious how it taste like so you try it out. "woah! Kuro it's just the same milk I drank earlier." you added as you pour it in her bowl.

"Nyan!" the cat purred as a 'thank you'

"No problem Kuro, I'll be going to my room now, after you drink go to your bed ok?" you said

"Nyan~" she replied as you go back to your room.

You change your clothes and jumps off the bed. "Oh I miss you bed" you giggle and you drift to sleep quickly and thought 'I hope nothing bad happens, I can't always depend on the others, Ok starting tomorrow I'll try to avoid them, it'll be for the best' you sigh as you shut your eyes down. ♡


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