Chapter Eleven

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~Akashi P.O.V~

"Hello, Tamaki." I said in the phone.

"Yes, young master, what can I do for you?" my personal butler ask.

"Tamaki, I need you to investigate this girl, Shizura Kouriko and I want every details about her. understood?" I ordered him to do so. "Oh and Kazumi Tatsunagi too" I added

"Yes young master right away!" he said and hung up.

I'm currently looking for Kazumi near in the hotel, there was an old and abandoned place with old structures. I'm sure they're here somewhere. And it's been three days since she's missing and today if I couldn't find her it will be her fourth day. And lucky Sensei believed in, that Kazumi excuses her self because of some emergency in their family

When I glance towards to an old warehouse, I see two people guarding the front door 'I think Kazumi's here. ' I thought as I call again Tamaki.

"Tamaki I need you to bring our bodyguards here at the abandoned place near the hotel and if you're done investigate bring me the copy." I said to him.

"Understood young master." he said and hung up again.

I sigh and carefully go near the two, so they will not notice me. 'Kuroko should be here, He'll be a great help if he's here.' I thought as I heard a faint voice.

"Akashi-kun, I bet you need my help" Kuroko whispered.

I startled a little.  "Tetsuya what are you doing here? and when did you get here?" I asked him in a soft voice.

"I follow you and I'm here to help you and I've been here after you called your butler." he answer

I sigh "fine, just be careful" I said. "and where are the others?" I ask

"okay Akashi-kun, I left them in the hotel and they didn't noticed me" he answer

"okay just I want you to use your misdirection to them" I pointed at the two people. " and lead them somewhere else." I added "oh and don't get caught ok?" I said as he nodded in agreement.

Kuroko started to move as they planned and Akashi  started also, its quite difficult but they manage to do it and the plan worked as Akashi opened the door Kuroko only nodded and mouthed 'good luck'. and he nodded in return and also mouthed 'thanks'.

I ran faster to find Kazumi if she's here. 'Ugh!! this warehouse is big.' I cussed in my mind. I walk and walk until I heard voices. I looked for it and spotted the door near the exit and timing Tamaki and the bodyguards I asked him to bring are here.

"young master, we're here" he said in a low voice.

"yes thank you Tamaki I need you and the guards to go to that door." I pointed at the door where I hear voices. "and where's Tetsuya, did you saw him?" I added.

"he's at the hotel now, and here's the data about Miss Shizura Kouriko." he handed the folder contains the data. "and here's the data about Miss Kazumi Tatsunagi, sir I'm sorry but I didn't much collect her data. The data only contains about her hospital, amusement park and her house." he said.

"Is that all the data about her?" I ask him.

"Yes sir that's all for Miss Kazumi." he said.

"Thank you Tamaki, now you go I will follow you behind." I said. 'so she owns a hospital, I never expect to be like that' I thought.

"yes young master" he bowed and headed to the door.

"Stop It," I raged at the door.

suddenly all of them stop in there work. I can see Kazumi laying on the floor and I can see something attached in her body. 'is that a cat's tail?' I thought about it but its not the time to think about it.

"Shizura stop this instant." I ordered her to stop as my men grabbed all of her men, bring them to jail and arrest them.

"What are you gonna do huh Akashi?" she ask grinning as she holds a knife in her hands pointing it in Kazumi's body.

"Stop it Shizura, why are you doing this?" I ask her, I know she has a problem but why does she do this. "this will not gonna help you in your problem, hurting Kazumi, she's nothing to do here, do not involve her in your shitty problem." I bluntly said.

"Huh??? you don't even know about me Akashi, and you clearly don't know us, you are just pretending to know everything so shut up." she shouted. "and she's the root of all my problems so she should die" she laugh wickedly and push the knife to Kazumi but suddenly Tamaki yanked it away from her and one of my guard gets her.

"Bring all of his men to the jail and her bring her to my dad's office." I ordered the bodyguard who holds Shizura.

"yes sir right away!" the guard said as he leave us.

I hurriedly go to the side of Kazumi, when I see her, I widened my eyes, shocked in what I see 'Kazumi has a cat ears and tail?' I thought 'so all this time she's wearing that hoodie is to hide this' I added but I subsided all of it, I carry her bridal-style as we went outside of the building.

"Tamaki prepare the car we're headed to her hospital." I said as I enter the car. "do you know where is it?" I ask

"yes young master." he said and starts the engines.

"Please Kazumi hang in there, please." he plead as the car headed to the hospital.


♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now