MAIN SKILL: 10/10 (vocal) SUB SKILL: 8/10 (rap) WEAKEST SKILL: 5/10 (dance)
TRIVIA: - Self taught dancer (that's why he's pretty trash at dancing) - Proud owner of a pet goldfish - Can drink liquids through his nose as well as make liquids come out his nose. (He says it's his main talent.) - Has been told he looks like JR from Nu'est - He's got abs of steel. - He's an only child but says his goldfish is his sibling. - Cried while watching 'Avengers: Infinity War' - ^ Big Nerd of Marvel. Wishes he was Spider-Man. Or a superhero who could communicate with goldfish. - His favourite colour is green - His role-model is Taeyang from Big Bang
NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: - Gullible - Self-assured - Competitive - Thick (He's like one of those evil geniuses sidekicks who always seem to be stupid. But I still love him.)