18: Pretence

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Sitting in yet another class, I wondered why I was attending at all

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Sitting in yet another class, I wondered why I was attending at all. Most of the time classes were boring and a lot of information we were receiving had already been taught in our mandatory years. So why, for the love of all the gods, was I even sitting here? It wasn't the distraction I'd hoped it would be after all. 

I bored myself to death instead.

It only gave other people opportunities to bother me. I sighed as a tall figure started walking up to my desk. This was exactly one of those opportunities. And unfortunately, I had no one to blame but myself.

I ought to just leave, sign off. Cancel. Of course, Reece wouldn't approve...

Jaxxon, one of our stronger pack members, smiled a wicked grin from one ear to the other. It made me more uncomfortable than annoyed, and that was saying a lot.

He smirked, the smug expression on his face was almost nauseating. His greedy brown eyes only made matters worse. The way he looked at me was unnerving. There was malicious joy sparkling in them and the grin... It made me want to smack it away. 

"I heard you had something going on with Holden."

Kendra stiffened. Without showing any kind of actual reaction, I raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Kendra. She wouldn't tell anyone about Holden. 

Would she?

"Well, whoever told you that is lying," I answered, turning my head back to Jaxxon. 

I shrugged and kept my tone void of any emotions, as if I didn't care at all whether or not he found truth in my words.

"Oh, yeah? You sure about that?" He mocked me.

The little bastard really thought he could derail me. I raised both eyebrows and deliberately didn't fold both arms over my chest. Showing nonchalance in such a situation would minimise the chance of him actually suspecting anything.

"What's it to you?" I asked, trying to challenge him. 

I could also just ignore him completely and let him think whatever he wanted to. But knowing Jaxxon and his big mouth, if I didn't hush him up soon, everybody would know. 

No matter the truth or not.

"Not much, really. I would just love to see the favourite little goody-two-shoes get punished. You always act like you're better than everyone else, but we all know you're not."

The reason I didn't like Jaxxon wasn't because he was a threatening, immature mutt but because he enjoyed bringing others down in order to feel like he was in control. Today it was me, tomorrow it would be someone else. It was pathetic if anything, actually. His arrogance would get him shunned if he didn't learn when to shut his mouth.

"I suggest you keep quiet about whatever you think you know," I growled lowly.

Surprise flickered in his eyes, but he composed and straightened himself quickly. He smirked again, showing off those straight white teeth of his. "Why should I do that?"

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