22: Anger

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As I walked through the ancient halls of the Iarhus, each wooden wall adorned with hundreds of old carvings, my eyes scanned the small mass of students for one in particular

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As I walked through the ancient halls of the Iarhus, each wooden wall adorned with hundreds of old carvings, my eyes scanned the small mass of students for one in particular. Once I finally spotted him, it took me a few manoeuvred steps until I was able to reach him. Bodies clashed against mine while the smell of sweat wafted in the air.

Standing beside his cupboard, his head against the cool, glossy surface of the refined wood and his eyes closed, I stood patiently waiting right behind Holden. Another wave of sweat brushed past me and I shivered.

I needed to get out of here. The Iarhus had always smelled peculiar. But had it really always smelled this bad?

"What is it, Cathy?" he asked, his eyes still closed. Irritated, I furrowed my brows and tried to keep my irritation from spreading.

"I don't know, Holden, why don't you tell me?"

He'd been acting strange all morning. He shamelessly ignored me when I arrived with my brother. Even during first and second class he hadn't spared me a single glance. It was very unlike him to show so much distance when he was usually the one seeking my attention. 

Kendra pushed it onto his mood, calling it a bad day, but I knew better. 

The emotion I sensed coming from him was the reason my irritation didn't stop lingering in the atmosphere. Holden wasn't moody. He was pissed off. 

And what Emmet had said... I couldn't help but feel that he was hiding something.

He opened his eyes at the agitation in my voice, somewhat shocked since he didn't normally witness what anger did to me.

"Why are you so angry?" he asked, oblivious to the obvious, which instantaneously made my blood begin to boil.

"You! Why have you been avoiding me all day? And where have you been lately?"

He sighed, annoyed, driving a hand through his wavy hair and averted his sight. I strapped my bag tighter around my shoulder, ready to bolt if he managed to strip me of my nerves any sooner.

His eyes still didn't find mine as he muttered, "No reason," under his breath.

The emotion swirling along with his words made it clear that he was lying to me. What irritated me was why he felt the need to lie in the first place. Yesterday everything was fine. What had changed since then? Perhaps this was all just a misunderstanding... Or maybe...

And then it hit me. Like a cold slap of water straight in the face.

"You found out," I gasped. 

Had he found out about my promised? Was he ignoring me because of that? And going to the human section to find some kind of herbs or powders to make him feel better?

His eyes finally met mine, confused. "What? About what?"

Reeling back, I tried to catch myself. 

Okay, not that then!

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